The footage is concerning, even alarming. In a number of videos posted online and already viewed millions of times on social media, two separate American women appear to experience bouts of tremors and involuntary body movements.
There is no direct connection between the women, except both had received COVID-19 vaccines shortly before their symptoms appeared, a fact some have linked to the appearance of these tremors. But scientists say there is another valid explanation for what we see in the footage.
While there’s absolutely no suggestion that anyone is faking these symptoms, researchers think it’s not the contents of the COVID-19 vaccines causing the shaking and convulsions.
Instead, it’s possible that these viral videos depict a rare and little-understood medical condition called functional neurological disorder (FND) – a neuropsychiatric disorder thought to be triggered by a range of stimuli, including physical or emotional events, injuries, medical procedures, and sometimes even the act of getting a needle injected.
Read the rest here:
Damage-control and blaming the victims. Fkrs!!
Hahahahahahahahahaha…. Well shit, Guess the sheep will believe anything at this point…….
How convenient! Some people will believe anything they tell them
‘researchers think it’s not the contents of the COVID-19 vaccines causing the shaking and convulsions.’
think? researchers of what?
It was not that long ago when women who were having heart attacks were dismissed as being hysterical as heart disease was ‘thought’ to be almost exclusive to men
and not so very long ago an asthma attack was ‘thought’ to be brought on by a psychological component
These monsters have to distract from the fact that vaccines are the cause of most all illness. Me hates them to the nth degree
If getting stuck with a needle causes this. Why don’t we see people who get tattoos start shaking and convulsing. All lies. People eat this shit up tho and try to argue on behalf of it. Why argue on the behalf of someone trying to kill you.
Spare us the none sense. If the cause was fear they would have this triggered in other even of their lives.