Texas School Bans Christmas Trees, Colors Red And Green

grinch who stole christmas obama christmas tree tax sad hill newsSad Hill News

Before proceeding, I thought it wise to share recent related propaganda spewing from Amerika’s hypocritical fascists (aka ‘the media’). You know, those calling the ‘war on Christmas’ a total farce…

TFN Insider December 2, 2013:

The Mythical ‘War On Christmas’ In Texas Schools  

Does anyone really believe that Texas schools are overrun with militant atheist teachers and principals trying to destroy Christmas? (snip) “[…] groups like Texas Values trot out the familiar nonsense about a “war on Christmas” every year. They hope to scare money out of the pockets and purses of their gullible supporters. But this year they’re also hoping their “defense” of Christmas will hide their failure to undermine the science education of millions of Texas students. (snip) It turns out that the group prefers to scare its members with myths and fantasies rather than work on serious issues.”

MSN June 14, 2013:

No One’s Taking Christmas Out Of Schools [So quit worrying folks! – Sad Hill]

“Throw out your “holiday tree” and dust off your Nativity set: Christmas is coming to Texas schools.”

Huffington Post May 23, 2013

Texas Passes ‘Merry Christmas Bill’

For years, Fox News has been warning viewers of a War on Christmas, […] covering it more than the actual wars going on.

Linda Bridges, president of the Texas branch of the American Federation of Teachers, told KTBC that she believed there were more important issues for the legislature to be working on.

The Atheist Experience (via Raw Story) May 21, 2013

Texas ‘Merry Christmas Bill’ Is ‘a Bunch Of Bullsh*t’

“[…] the law is a way for Christian lawmakers to burrow further into their illusion of constant persecution and win the votes of “people who don’t live in Austin. […] The “Merry Christmas Bill sounds like the usual ‘War on Christmas’ nonsense. […] As far as I can tell, nobody has ever actually stopped saying ‘Merry Christmas’ because they’re afraid to get sued […] does anybody sue anyone for saying ‘Merry Christmas?’ Because I think that’s a bunch of bullish*t.”

And this – ignorance – is exactly what causes unquestioning low-information voters to put Communists such as Obama ‘in charge’ of the once ‘United’ States. This ignorance is exactly why Texas ‘had’ to pass a law that ‘permitted’ the celebration of Christmas.

And yet some would argue that weak-kneed Christians are doing it to themselves.” Hard to disagree when politically correct organizations like Campus Crusade for Christ remove ‘Christ’ from their name: HERE

Now, on with the story…

Texas School Bans Christmas Trees, Colors Red And Green

(Fox) An elementary school in Frisco, Texas is believed to be the first in the state to violate “The Merry Christmas Law” after they banned Christmas trees and the colors red & green from an upcoming “winter” party.

Boys and girls who attend the Nichols Elementary School “Winter Party” will not be able to make any reference to Christmas or any other religious holiday. Christmas trees are also banned – along with the colors red and green.

The rules were sent to parents in an email from the school’s PTA and first reported on by MyFoxDFW.com.

This is what it’s come to, America. You’ve got college-educated terrified to put a toy elf on the shelf because she might get sued by the ACLU or some other left wing anti-Christmas group.

Ironically, the school is located in the district of state Rep. Pat Fallon, the author of a bill signed into law in June that codifies the fact that students and staff are permitted to discuss winter holidays as they please.

Fallon tells me he was alerted by an angry parent.

“When Gov. Perry signed ‘The Merry Christmas Bill,’ clearly that didn’t solve the issue,” he said. “The battle rages on. It’s distressing.”

The school district released a statement to MyFoxDFW.comnoting:

“The school was unaware of this and it was not an official PTA correspondence either. There have never been any limitations on what students wear, what they bring to share with their classmates on party days … what greetings people exchange with each other.”

But Fallon said contrary to the school district’s statement, the ban remains in place. He also said he spoke to the superintendent and learned that the school district was letting principals set their own policies regarding holiday celebrations.

“That leads to confusion, misinterpretation and flaunting of the law,” he said.

Fallon said the ban on Christmas trees and traditional holiday colors remains in place and calls it “unnecessary, inappropriate, and quite frankly draconian in nature.”

However, after a meeting between the principal and the PTA, the school decided to keep the draconian rules in place.

“She [the principal] said they didn’t want to offend any families and since each family donates money they feel this is the best policy,” read an email sent to the lawmaker.

What about all the families who might be offended by not being able to call Christmas, Christmas?

“I feel like my calling in life is to protect the students, parents and teachers,” Fallon said. “They have a constitutional right to express themselves. They have freedom of religion.”

Fallon fired off a letter to every school official in the district, reminding them of their yuletide rights under the law.

“Texas law clearly permits Christmas-themed celebrations, events and displays,” Fallon wrote. “The district may also display scenes or symbols with traditional winter holidays (e.g. nativity scenes, Christmas trees, menorahs, etc.)”

The lawmaker said he was shocked at the number of calls his office has received from nervous teachers and principals – wondering what they could and could not do.

“One teacher wanted to do ‘Elf on a Shelf’ and she thought she would get in trouble,” Fallon told me.

So this is what it’s come to, America. You’ve got college-educated teacher terrified to put a toy elf on the shelf because she might get sued by the ACLU or some other left wing anti-Christmas group.


Campus Crusade for Christ removes ‘Christ’ from its name: HERE

Philadelphia’s ‘Christmas Village’ renamed ‘Holiday Village’: HERE

Merry Christmas ObamaNation! 1-in-6 Floridians now depend on food stamps: HERE

‘On the twelfth day of Christmas Obama gave to me…’: HERE

Redefining of ‘Christianity’: HERE

Smithsonian Christmas exhibit features ant-covered Jesus: HERE

Hat tip: Dad


9 thoughts on “Texas School Bans Christmas Trees, Colors Red And Green

  1. It is no coincidence that Jewish, Islamic, and other religious holidays are not interfered with here in the United States, in fact, they are protected as “sacred”! Yet, Christian holidays are practically outlawed or transformed into an over-commercialized nightmare that has little to nothing to do with the actual holiday (examples being Christmas and Easter). Make no mistake about it, this is NOT a coincidence, it’s by design with a clear and devious objective. If you don’t know what that objective is, then you’re still asleep and don’t spend enough time here at the trenches.

    1. and and the people allow this. Imagine a teacher asking what she should do. What are we mice? I am not a Christian but I do uphold the Constitution and the first amendment on all fronts even stuff I dont agree with.

      You know what our problem is we lost our common sense and courage. We are slaves.

  2. Yea, they will ban christmas trees and the colors red and green but they still will play dress up for halloween, and what about Easter, will they also ban Easter and the easter bunny?

    1. Let’s not forget Memorial Day digger, we might offend someone from a past war and we can’t have that. Independence Day, well, we may offend our ally Great Britain, Labor Day, we are offending the unemployed. We might as well not celebrate anything, including Christmas as we could possibly offend someone. Let’s all be politically correct!

      1. …I think we should “ban” public schools…and since it appears they are going to tax us to death anyway…we should get some form of tax-relief for sending our kids to the private school of our choice….just like all the corrupt rich folk’s kids that they send to the “Sidwell Friends” school in Virginia….


        RJ O’Guillory
        Webster Groves – The Life of an Insane Family

  3. Bet we could all celebrate Hanukkah, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kipper with absolutely no restrictions though.

  4. OMG! I am so sick of this insanity. WTF is wrong with these people!!!??? Why don’t you just ban your entire existence, while you are at it.


    How much more of THIS DAMN INSANITY ARE WE GONNA TAKE???????!!!!!!!! GRRR!!!!!! They’re destroying everything, our education and our whole way of life and we are just watching it happen!!!


  5. I’m going to decorate the front of my house this year. I haven’t done this in awhile but this year I’m going to go overboard just with the hopes that some inconsiderate sob will knock on my door and tell me he is offended
    That way I will have the opportunity to to ask him if he would be just as offended if I shoved my shotgun up his a$$. I say merry Christmas to people and if they don’t like it then they can stick their fingers in their ears so they don’t have to hear it and go on about their miserable offended lives. I’m sick of these people saying that we have to respect their point of view. What about MY point of view?

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