2 thoughts on “The FBI & CIA ran a COLOR REVOLUTION against the United States on January 6th.

  1. where’s trumps name you F_cking trump tard perters and whats up with all these stew peters posts, hes a F_cking shill

  2. The fraud within the fraud, within the fraud, which is the phony Constitution tool they made by which to violate the Law, one Act, infringement, policy and statute at a time, the treasonous Washington DC establishment, the treasonous fiat money system, the agencies, associations, foundations, military and all the organizations the people bought into, to suck them into this huge fraud within a fraud within a fraud, is about to be blown to pieces by the BILL OF RIGHTS. The American people of our generation and the people of the world who have suffered under all those violations from the wars that have been spawned through all the above will be vindicated when that law comes down hard on every individual of every agency, who has ever capitalized on those violations and stole the wealth of the people. Soon, the people will be seeing clearly through all of these diversions. When that Bill of Rights comes into clear view, the individuals who claim it will have the upper hand. No statute of limitations on fraud. Fair game for a free nation who knows their law and who WILL enforce it.

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