The Mayor of Lahaina is evicting people who’s houses didn’t get burned down and those who still have houses, forcing them to move to somewhere else before September 31st. So they can build a “Command Center”

3 thoughts on “The Mayor of Lahaina is evicting people who’s houses didn’t get burned down and those who still have houses, forcing them to move to somewhere else before September 31st. So they can build a “Command Center”

  1. So why can’t they just build a command center with existing government funds? Did they give everything to Ukraine already and have nothing left for the locals? They never did this with Katrina or the Florida hurricane last year. This is so illegal and inhumane. I hope all the local residents burn the place down in retaliation the same way these political and government bastards did to them.

    1. when the elites homes are a smoking hole in the ground , that’s when you know its finally reached critical mass

      I’m here for it , but I really don’t think we the people are pissed enough yet ,, sure , we dam sure should be,,but not there just yet ..sadly

  2. The reality is “standing up” actually means being ready to fight & kill for the very reason he states himself right at the end of the video “they’re not going to stop until…”. Does he or anyone else believe their “unity” and their “words” alone are going to stop them? History backs me up when I say no, it always takes a lot more than that & you can be sure that they will try to kill you first if you “stand up” against them so get your hearts & your minds & your arms ready because this is WAR – it always has been!

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