The National Assembly in France adopted article 3 of the Justice bill which authorizes the authorities to remotely activate the cameras and microphones of telephones or other connected devices without the knowledge of the persons concerned.

3 thoughts on “The National Assembly in France adopted article 3 of the Justice bill which authorizes the authorities to remotely activate the cameras and microphones of telephones or other connected devices without the knowledge of the persons concerned.

  1. I pretty much assumed this was already going on everywhere, but to see it in writing adds just a touch of tickedoffedness to my Thursday. Just a touch. Surrrrrrre. Yes, it infuriates every bone in my body.

    My phone conversations are as sacred to me as my mail and these bast*rda are trampling on holy ground.

    Spies are eyes that only see their personal gain. Quintessential selfishness entrenched in the illusion that they’ll somehow escape the wrath of good people everywhere.


  2. “…the authorities…”

    Go f*ck yourselves with your self-appointed “authority”! The only weight you carry is that which will ensure the last ounce of life is squeezed out as the rope tightens around your necks! DTTNWOE!!!

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