The Snowden Case What You’re Not Being Told

Published on Jun 25, 2013 by StormCloudsGathering

When the mainstream media shows you something with their right hand, watch what the left hand is doing.
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Cheney calls Snowden a traitor… ah the irony:…

Snowden is on the run seeking asylum in Ecuador:…

Information regarding NSA domestic spying dating back to 2005:…

These are just a fraction of the articles available.

A more revealing leak:…

U.N. Launches an investigation:…

U.N. says the gas was used by the rebels:…

Then France claims rebels used Sarin:…

The U.S. gov. likes version angle, so they’ll run with it. CIA to arm and train the rebels:…

Iran sending troops to Syria:…

China warns against use of force in Syria and Iran:…

3 thoughts on “The Snowden Case What You’re Not Being Told

  1. This is what I’ve been saying all along.

    There’s only ONE reason this is in the news.

    That’s because the PTB WANT IT TO BE IN THE NEWS!!!

    Too many, well meaning people, seem to have completely overlooked this massive flashing “Red Light”.

  2. And then there are those in the 4th camp like me who think he is a double agent for the Zionist elite trying to infiltrate Putin’s camp or anyone else who doesn’t follow the Zionist agenda for the coming World War and is probably reporting back to some shadow organization. Meanwhile, the media propaganda is distracting people into playing him out to be a traitor or a hero.

    Why else is he still alive after telling everyone he is blocks away from the U.S. embassy and CIA in Hong Kong and they don’t grab him or kill him then?

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