4 thoughts on “The Tiny Dot

  1. May the “throng” get smart and cut the “tiny dots” insatiable appetite off and send the “tiny dots enforcers” marching backwards.
    “Income” taxation has morphed into a very profitable scheme, but no longer.

  2. Thanks, Katie, for sharing the info on losthorizons.com. I am going to investigate and act on getting my lost money returned to me. I really appreciate knowing about this.


  3. Great illustration of just how messed up we’ve become.
    We even believe in the oxymoronic phrase “consent of the governed”.
    If it’s consent, it’s voluntary. If it’s governed, it’s forced. How does one volunteer to be forced?
    And WHY should anyone be held accountable for a contract written 200+ years before they were even born?
    The long train of usurpations far and away exceeds the list against the king in the Declaration.
    It’s time to abolish this form of government. We’re no longer a moral People.

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