The TRUTH About the Loretta Lynch Meeting

Lynch is the Attorney General.  The Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the USA. It’s not Bill chats with Loretta. It’s in your face, shoved down your throat and up your ass, simultaneously, treason. Even this website is soft pedaling the meeting by just saying Loretta Lynch and NOT the Attorney General.

“Ex-President Bill Clinton, whose Presidential candidate wife, Hillary, is in jeopardy of serious National Security criminal indictments, meets secretly with Attorney General Lynch.”  

That should be the headline. Not Bill meets Loretta. Then, the average person might realize the serious conflict of interest such a meeting might represent.

Mother F#@king media owned by who? The Jews. They brag about it. It’s brilliant, treasonous “Newspeak”. Orwell would be saying, “I warned you”. That’s good because blame will be assigned easily when things are “sorted out”.

One thought on “The TRUTH About the Loretta Lynch Meeting

  1. She is not the chief law enforcement person, she cannot arrest anyone. She is a trator to the US of A, just like all the others

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