14 thoughts on “The U.S Mexico Border Opened for 3 Minutes and What Happened after will move you to Tears

  1. What is this ? What’s the aim of this ? To show that people who abandoned their own kin, their family misses them. No shit. We do need a god damn walk if not a platoon sized unit walking
    24/7 every klick and a half. F this and your alligator tears.

  2. I don’t under-f-ing-stand this video! Me and no other American owe these people jack sh*t. I’m supposed to feel moved from what? If these people miss their familia so much while continually flying a foreign Mexican flag on this land, GO BACK! Your already halfway there.

  3. Move me to tears? This will have me moved to tears as much as the illegal immigrants crossing the border in the sick movie, DESIERTO would have moved with tears, which is to say, “NEVER!”.

    And if this is someone’s way of trying to get us to embrace the No borders/North American Union shit, they can go F**K THEMSELVES!! It will NEVER happen on my watch! 😡

    Take a number and get in line like every other foreigner seeking admission into a country. And with the way that it is now, we ain’t accepting any more applications and won’t be for a LOOONG while.

    Have a nice day!

  4. Anyone surprised this group is headed by scumbag kikes robert and josiah heyman?

    I am only shedding tears because this reunion isn’t the downrange of the Knob Creek annual shoot. Illegal invaders violating our sovereignty can reunite on the other side of existence with their f’g kike promoters.

    C’mon trumpet-blowers, I want to hear how your boy and his sidekick pence who worship “the chosen ones” is gonna save US when his masters are the ones who sell US out from the inside every time? EVERY time. Let’s hear it, you spineless foreskin sucking faggots!

      1. As the electoral college is stated to decide the outcome, no one is “voting” anyway. 538 of them, 270 majority to “win”. Pretend voters merely go through the actions of what voting would look like. It supports the illusion that your voice is heard and there is nothing more they can do and the system has worked as told to. That is if it occurs as stated, but I hesitate to believe that.

        It also supports a fraudulent occupying enemy government because taking part in what they offer validates their presence

        Chemtrailing(murder of us and the earth), forced drugging and vaccinations, propaganda clearly aimed at promoting gender-bending and discord amongst us, theft of US money by elected officials to cause wars and murder of US and millions worldwide, aiding and abetting illegal invaders to turn US into a third-world country just as they’ve done in other European countries, etc. This short list is only the beginning of their crimes against US and humanity, which is why a fair vote is inconceivable.

        Any group that would commit such atrocities and human suffering for mammon would surely not forget to tamper with elections, would they?

        They have conspired and colluded to engineer all those things, told US we’re not actually heard anyway by way of electoral process, but they promise to count to 538. The “candidates” are not genuine and NEITHER is the “race”. It’s to give the People a pressure release so they go back to sleep after the (s)elections. When the sheeple chant “FOUR MORE YEARS”, those responsible for the construct and machinations of it also hear “four mor years”. It’s for more years of being able to do whatever it is they want, as long as they put out the propaganda in a controllable leading series.

        I couldn’t be paid to “vote” at a fake poll, set up by a fake government with paid billionaire reality tv stars and murderous political whores. It’s traitorous, fair and simple. The two of them already know who is going to win and they’re laughing all the way to the bank for their showmanship.

        I would write in candidates “Brass and Lead from the Hemp Party” but that’s not going to be counted by them either.

  5. Go boohoo to your friggin loser family that abandoned you. Round ’em up and take ’em right the eff back where you came from. We do not want you here. We have our own problems, which you wetbacks add to constantly.
    Yeah, I said ‘wetbacks’… whatcha gonna do about it? I dare you to try!

  6. Anyone here legally could go home at will, visit family and return at will. The illegals insist on staying here and if they leave they may not get back in. They are here to take under the table work.

  7. It’s ok. I just got off the phone with Donald Trump. (I have a direct line.) He has just now told me that yes, he is going to build a wall. That wall will be constructed utilizing the hair fibers from his own personal toupee. The only down side is, the entire wall will be colored bright orange.
    He also informed me that since his toupee is made of 100% genuine Mexican alpaca hair that yes, Mexico will be paying for this wall.
    Alex Jewnes…infoschmores dot corkbrain.
    Stay tuned……
    “A long time ago…in ancient ancient land, the Ancient Egyptians, who were ancient, devised a means of squatting while pooping. And we at Infoschmores have now mastered this ancient technology.
    Introducing our new Squatty Potties…..”

      1. Well, that’s not the reaction I was expecting at all. I was going for a “lol” or perhaps a “teeheehee.” Looks like I’ve been brought low by the power of my own sarcasm.
        Oops. I’m breaking character.
        What! Why how dare you! I’m not a litigious person but but but but but but I have an army of lawyers I keep on retainer.
        I’ll issue a Tort!
        This is slander!
        I’m chasing the spear! I’m tipping the cow! I’m hitting the wire and smacking it around and then using it to fish with! I’m…..
        SQUATTY POTTIES!!!!!

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