The Word From the Trenches – February 10, 2021

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Archive: TWFTT 2-10-21

9 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches – February 10, 2021

    1. I get to join the club next week. We’ll have 27, 29 & 32 degrees for highs.
      For some of you guys, you’d love this warm weather, I know. LOL
      For me, it’s COLD. LOL

  1. It has been defined, the center from which we must spring in defending our lives, our liberty. It has been defined:

    “The only base of operation is where your ass is sittin’ right now.”
    — Henry Shivley, 2/10/21



  2. Just wanted to say this.
    I haven’t heard any shots fired since deer season.
    Usually hear folks practicing always.
    Seems they’re saving ammo for something. 😉
    Sometimes ‘quiet’ is the sound of free!

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