The World Must UNITE : Stop Zionism ~ Stop the New World Order

Published on Mar 13, 2012 by WikiIntelNews

This video speaks for itself. If you value the principles of Love and Freedom then you are part of the human-race that is hated by Zionist.

Zionist are on the verge of realizing their long-life dream of world dominance over the financial, political and social systems to destroy your life or control it.

This is a clarion call to all humanity!

If you value your life … if you value the principles of freedom then its time for us to unite from around the world under the banner of FREEDOM.

We must unite and organize a fight to defend our freedoms and to once and for all crush the Zionist plan for a New World Order.

In America, and in other Nations, we must unite as citizens to remove Zionist from our governments. In America, we must unite to remove every organization that smells like Zionism.

Shutdown AIPAC, Shutdown the ADL and Shutdown all Zionist networks tied to AIPAC. Shutdown the Federal Reserve System and place it under bankruptcy reorganization.

We must take back our Country and Restore the American System of Governance by the U.S. Constitution as a Republic.

No more Israel Lobby! No more support for the Israeli Zionist Terrorist Regime.

Stop the Satanic insane policies of killing people. If we don’t stop them NOW –they will stop us from living in freedom and in peace. And their New World Order will be one of perverse slavery, suffering and mayhem for all those that value the principles of freedom.

Israeli Zionist Terrorist Regime –Israel is responsible for 9/11!

The sooner Americans wake up to the reality of this fact the sooner we will begin to look at the real cause of all the problems our world is facing today; from the failing economy in the U.S. the Global financial Crisis, shortages of food, hyperinflation, wars, drug-trade its all by design and orchestrated by this Satanic Zionist Terrorist Regime.

Their goal is to establish a Luciferian Society -a world without Religions.

If there was ever a time in human history for humanity to unite under a common cause … now would be that time!

If you value your life … if you value the principles of love and freedom then its time for us to unite from around the world to once and for all crush the Zionist plan for a New World Order. In America, and in other Nations, we must unite as citizens to remove Zionist from our governments. In America, we must unite to remove every organization that smells like Zionism. Shutdown AIPAC, Shutdown the ADL and Shutdown all Zionist networks tied to AIPAC.

Israel must give back Palistine to the Palistinian people.

16 thoughts on “The World Must UNITE : Stop Zionism ~ Stop the New World Order

    1. A good start would be a really big bonfire/throw their arses in it.
      let them get used to how hell is gonna be for them.

  1. Boycott all things jewish, Save christ. Spread the word about the Palestinian Genocide that the U.S. pays Congress and let the secretarys know that we know who is behind the destruction of America and the rest of the world. Call your local media and tell them we are tired of thier zionist swill. If you see a Jew let them know that you know who was behind 9-11-2001. Just start talking about these Demonic beasts that hate Humaniy. If being called an antisemite is the worst that can happen to you, it beats being a slave for the rest of your life. Americans have been conditioned through the decades to never speak ill about the Jews. Liberate yourselves. Speak up now and speak often, the future of the world depends on it! Godbless all of us in this strugle for humanity. We shall Prevail!!!

    1. “Boycott all things jewish, Save christ.”

      Jesus was a Hebrew, NOT a jew. Jews are descendants of Esau, Hebrews are descendants of Jacob.

      That is why He called them “sons of their father, the Devil”. He was speaking literally, not figuratively.

  2. “Shutdown the Federal Reserve System and place it under bankruptcy reorganization.”

    What??? NO, NO, NO. Just shut down the Fed forever, SHUT IT DOWN and prosecute to the fullest extent all the criminals running and supporting it. Shut down the stinking criminal transnational fascist corporations as well, and release the thousands of patents on advanced energy technology. Require the stinking corrupt, criminal, murderous, usurious banksters make full restitution for the $ trillions, even $ quadrillions, they stole from us, and return to a constitutional national bank based on assets and products of resources and labor, with profits from natural resources paid to the people in annuities.

  3. “Shutdown the Federal Reserve System and place it under bankruptcy reorganization.”

    Place it under bankruptcy reorganization? WTF? Do you want the damn thing to come back and bite us again or something? Just terminate the thing completely!

    I tell ya, it’s stupid things like this that make me wonder about people sometimes. Nobody’s perfect, but man, sometimes they just slap themselves in the face.

    Other than that, I agree with the message.

    1. Here is how we can concentrate the the pathetic Antichrists into one section of Jew York city. Take that bull in front of Wall Street, replace it with a solid Gold calf . Then we arrest everyone who worships false Idols. Better yet, we relocate G.C. To Bikini Island, these heathens will have to pay for their own Boat ride. The proceeds will go to the Palestinians and the American Nationals who’s lives have been destroyed by these Christ Killers.I know this will work because during the Second World War, Hitler said “Free Gas” and the Jews jumped right in.

  4. First of all I have noticed that there are some people whom are not “open” to new ideas here when NOT represented by any article posted here. I can’t make you investigate my statement, but at least I tried and that is more than I can say for some people whom continually have “tunnel vision!”

    Now, I understand the Zionists are the issue, which is correct. The Zionist Rothschild banksters are NOT judaic or real jews. They’re using the jewish people as human shields. This is why there is confusion . The NWO illuminati have infiltrated everything from church’s, colleges, banks, and the medical industry. They had to in order succeed at their one world government. This video goes into detail:

    Watch this! You were willing to watch the above video-now watch this one.

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