Daily Mail – by STUART WOLEDGE
The National Lottery’s ‘It Could Be You’ advertising campaign was one of the most recognizable of its time, where a cloud formed the shape of a hand and pointed to an unsuspecting winner.
The cloud’s over Fort William in Scotland came up with their own take on the idea, when they formed the shape of a hand and made the sort of gesture that suggested its photographer, Jamie O’Connell, probably need not bother buying a ticket this week.
Mr O’Connell was walking his dog along the Caledonian Canal near Neptune’s Staircase when the cloud well and truly gave him the finger.
The 23-year-old had to look twice to make sure he wasn’t imagining the rude hand gesture.
Mr O’Connell, an offshore steward, said: ‘I was just walking the dog when I looked up and saw this cloud.
‘I was absolutely gobsmacked. I had to double look at it, and I nearly wet myself.
‘A lot of people have said it might be a sign – I must have annoyed someone!’
The cloud, which broke through a rainy sky, has become a viral sensation since being Mr O’Connell posted it online.

He said: ‘It’s so lifelike, it’s hard to believe it’s actually a cloud. It really looks like someone swearing, the detail is unbelievable.
‘I think I’ve seen clouds that look a bit like dinosaurs in the past, but no-one has ever flipped off at me through the sky.’
He is now keeping a close eye on the clouds in the hope he will be able to spot other lifelike figures.
He added: ‘I’ve always wanted to see Mufassa from The Lion King. He’s been my favourite film character since I was younger. It’s the best film of all time.’
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2406623/Theres-message-Dog-walker-snaps-amazing-photo-cloud-formation-giving-FINGER.html#ixzz2djK6c76t
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Probably Thomas Jefferson having a little fun.
perhaps its the big invisible guy in the sky telling our obination of an idiot president to back off…yes barry keep listening for advice from your sociopathic feast of fiends…and one of the tom cruise missile frigates bears your name.,. What a coincidence ..oblivion got wacked at the box office and so will your plans too…and it was sure good to see john kerrys true colors…and no adults in the white whore house of lies ever asks the question. Where did they get the gas? its not jumping jack flash bought at kmart folks…was this gas attack even staged?..perhaps…maybe you should have asked why 2+2=5
“It’s you: Daniel O’Connell was amazed when he spotted this offensive cloud formation in the skies above Fort William.”
Had this been in Edinburgh instead, I’d like to believe it was directed at the Freemasons. Edinburgh has long been a bastion of Freemasonry.
(been there. Beautiful city, awesome castle).
Good one, Angel. 🙂