This Is How Much Russians Hate America…

American Flag Doormat - Video ScreenshotEnd of the American Dream – by Michael Snyder

In Russia, shopping malls are putting out American flag doormats for people to wipe their feet on, and there are stores that are selling toilet paper with the American flag imprinted on it.  Surveys show that Russian attitudes toward the U.S. are now even worse than they were during the end of the Cold War, and ordinary Russians are blaming America for everything from the overthrow of the Ukrainian government to the collapse of the ruble.  The Russian government has just authorized a new military doctrine which identifies the United States as a top threat, and commentators on Russian television are using extremely strong language to condemn the United States.  In fact, one of the most prominent Russian commentators has referred to the United States as “the kingdom of the Antichrist“.  To the Russians, a new Cold War has erupted, and they very clearly view the United States as enemy number one.  

But in the U.S., things are completely different.  Most Americans feel absolutely no animosity toward Russians or their government.  And most Americans do not consider Russia to be a “threat” whatsoever.  In this country, “the Cold War” is a relic from the past, and our relationship with Russia is very low on the list of political issues.  Most people seem to feel that the current tension between the U.S. and Russia is a temporary thing that will fade away eventually.  Nobody is making Russian flag doormats or selling toilet paper with Russian flags on it.

So most Americans have a really hard time grasping what is going on inside Russia right now.  Even if they have heard about how much Russians hate us, they don’t really understand how this could be possible.

And most Americans have no idea that the Russians even have a special derogatory word for us now.  The following is an excerpt from a recent New York Observer article

If you talk to a Russian about the international political situation, sooner or later you will be informed that there is a country in North America that you never heard of. Its name is ‘Pindosia,’ ‘Pindostan’ or, more officially, ‘United States of Pindostan,’ and you will be told that one part of it, called Alaska , used to belong to Russia . Part of the word – ‘stan’ – stands for underdeveloped state, as in ‘ Pakistan ’, ‘ Kazakhstan ’ or ‘ Uzbekistan.’ The citizens of this country in plural form are called ‘pindoses’, in singular – ‘pindos’.

So exactly what is a “pindos”?  Personally, I found the definition to be quite surprising

The word ‘pindos’ in Russian is highly offensive, and defines a helpless creature that is a product of a very bad educational system, one who can survive in this world only with the help of different gadgets.

The animosity that Russians have for the United States runs very deep, and it has been growing over time.

In fact, back in the 1990s, 80 percent of Russians actually had a positive attitude toward America…

Today, according to the respected Moscow ‘Levada Center,’ which measures political sentiment in Russian society, 74% of Russians have negative feelings towards the USA . It hasn’t always been like this – in the 1990s, 80% had positive attitude toward America.

Right now 76% of Russians hate Obama personally and only meager 2% like him. In 2009 only 12 % of Russians had extremely negative feelings towards Obama.

What a difference a couple of decades makes.

Today, anti-American sentiment is everywhere.  This is especially true in Moscow.  As I mentioned above, you can now find American flag doormats outside of shopping malls and business establishments

Russian business owners are using American flags as doormats as resentment over U.S. economic sanctions puts the squeeze on traders.

Customers have been filmed wiping their feet on the fabled stars and stripes as they enter and exit stores across Moscow, as struggling retailers take a hopeless swipe at their Cold War adversaries.

Posted below is video footage that shows one example of this phenomenon…

And as economic conditions get even worse in Russia, this anti-American sentiment will continue to grow.  At this point it doesn’t even matter if Americans are really to blame for something or not.  If something goes wrong, the finger will be pointed at the United States.

This includes the staggering decline in the price of oil.  Many Russians are firmly convinced that a U.S./Saudi conspiracy is behind it.  Even Russian President Vladimir Putin appears to be buying into this line of thinking…

“We all see the lowering of oil prices. There’s lots of talk about what’s causing it. Could it be an agreement between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to punish Iran and affect the economies of Russia and Venezuela? It could.”

And of course it isn’t just the Russians that are thinking this way.  As Mike Whitney recently pointed out, other prominent world leaders are also blaming the U.S. and Saudi Arabia for the oil price crash…

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro seems to think so. In a recent interview that appeared in Reuters, Maduro said he thought the United States and Saudi Arabia wanted to drive down oil prices “to harm Russia.”

Bolivian President Evo Morales agrees with Maduro and told journalists at RT that: “The reduction in oil prices was provoked by the US as an attack on the economies of Venezuela and Russia. In the face of such economic and political attacks, the nations must be united.”

Most Americans simply do not understand that anti-American sentiment is running extremely high all over the globe right now.

A few decades ago, the United States was one of the most loved nations on the entire planet.

Now it is one of the most hated.

When it comes to foreign policy, Barack Obama has made mistake after mistake and he has been alienating lots of people.

And as far as the Russians are concerned, the era of “friendship” with the United States is long gone.  The trust that had been established between the two governments is totally broken, and they now consider us to be their number one strategic enemy.

So what does this mean for our future?

20 thoughts on “This Is How Much Russians Hate America…

  1. Well, Snyder, since Obama also hates America, are you really that surprised?

    Palestinians probably hate America as well…but since you are a bloody Christian Zionist and Israel-firster, what do you give a crap what those “sub-human” Palestinians think?

    Do you really believe you are that important a blogger?

  2. What is the US Congress approval rating among Americans? What 9%? What is Barack Hussein Obomba’s? below 30% I think.

    So to our trans-Atlantic-Baltic friends we more than feel your pain. The US government is been at war with the American Public for a long time. Its a good bet why gun and ammo sales are so high, as the government is preparing their “Final Solution” to we the great unwashed dumb plebes that need to be put down. The public who are not plebes who are preparing our little upset for them when they finally move with everything they’ve got. Best thing for Russians and everyone else for that matter is be patient and protect yourselves, and these idiots will make a mistake. If Putin really wants to make a difference then play it cool and quite, smile a lot, and pour on the charm. Meanwhile send his hit teams to remove the bad actor families that are causing all the trouble in this world.

    I had a professor pose a question to the class, ” How hard could it have been to kill one Austrian?”. He was referring to Hitler. How hard can it be to send 13 families and all of their 7000 some odd minions straight to hell? Had it not been for the British Mile there would have never been a “Hitler, Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot”, etc…. Many call them the Illuminati. In reality they are nothing but a collection of inbred psychopaths, who form crime families, and a powerful international crime syndicate hundreds of years old. They need to go. They are grubby little parasites.

    Do I advocate political hits? They do that to Patriots. Turn about is fair play. Don’t you think?? Putin probably has had already assassination attempts against him. So you bet!!! I hope Putin freaking goes after them. So long as it is the right A-Holes getting whacked. Cut marionette strings and how will BUMMER and that collection of GENETIC DEFECTIVES called the US Congress react? They may be a bit easier to usher out of the building so to speech. Putin has an AAA class Intel agency at his disposal. He needs to freaking USE IT!!!!

    1. Never been to russia or anywhere else outside the US have you? Lot of russians know what is going on, and might actually be on YOUR side. Don’t right them off so quickly. They’ll defend themselves but they are not comming here ever. Also understand who you are hating. YOu notice a Russian school letting out and notice all the Blond and grey eyed children going home to play with their Hummer, or Kenworth trucks you might be surprised. They buy a lot of American cars and other products from the american factories that are still operating. They have nothing against you and I. Their beef is with the criminals running verious governement and illuninist banks attacking them. Those poeple are not our enemy unless you want to make them one.

      We have a civil war coming, and understand many Americans have European ancestor and proud of it. Might watch your mouth one day as you might find yourself seeing stars after one of the men in your unit hits you so hard you’ll wonder what hit you. I’m also sure that medical supplies are not going to be wasted on JERKS with broken jaws. Just a polite suggestion for the future. Russians are of the same making as Germans, even the British. You insult them you insult folks like me. People who have half a brain know this. Russia is not going to interfere with the civil war that is coming to the USA. They in fact are trying hard to become more like what we used to be.

      I know these people very well, and know Americans very well to. Clearly you don’t know Russians at all.

  3. What do you expect? And the sheeple who get attacked and slaughtered by the Ruskies will still probably have no idea why.

    They will be like lost puppies saying,

    “But..but…I thought we were friends???”

    This is why I tell everyone that they have to see the world from outside their country in order to see what it is really like from within. When you have a country with uneducated individuals who have no idea what the world is like outside their own zip code and gets their information from Hollywood or the MSM, you end up becoming the people of North Korea, which is where we are headed fast if we don’t do something NOW!

    As I always say, “A warrior who only knows one side, leaves himself open for destruction” and that’s exactly what is happening with the sheeple in this country.

    By the way, how come the MSM is not showing Russians using our flag as doormats and toilet paper?

    I remember Middle Easterners burning the American flag and stepping all over it. Then we bombed the hell out of them just for that.

    Funny how when it is someone our own size, if not bigger, the MSM and our treasonous government turns around and pretend it doesn’t exist.

  4. Russia may hate America in general, but I don’t think the Russian people, nor Putin actually hate the American people per se. But I definitely think it is der Leader and his Administration in Washington they hate the most.

    I also think a country’s people can be provoked to hate at in Russian business owners using American flags as doormats as resentment over U.S. economic sanctions.
    . . .

  5. Ok, so the Russian people are ignorant assholes. The more reason to say F,ck Russia… I don,t give a damn if their leaders are toilet bugs.
    They step on our country, I shit down their neck. Simple as that.

    1. Obviously you just hate Europeans people. You have a lot bigger problems coming at you than some some false perception of a European Country and its people. You may at some point have to deal with the fact that there are Russian, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Romanian, Swiss, and etc… people here who are American nationals who will be fighting along side you when the time comes. In fact you keep this attitude the only thing that will happen is your fellow patriots will be looking at you a bit strange.

      You have alredy an enemy inside the gates enslaving you. Why not just channel your intellect and righteous hatred toward that enemy instead of believing propaganda. ANY foreign troops on our soil is an enemy. Lets be clear. From your remarks though you are not focusing on the prize. OUR LIBERTY!!!!!!! Do what you want. Hope its just Holiday cheer talking.

      If you ever end up in the company of former seal Cmdr. Richard Marchenko or someone like him may I suggest that you keep then such feelings to yourself? You might find yourself at the very least cast out if not called to task on that line of thought.

      1. “You may at some point have to deal with the fact that there are Russian, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Romanian, Swiss, and etc… people here who are American nationals who will be fighting along side you when the time comes.”

        And what you somehow forget is that when they become American Nationals, they cease to be Russian, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Romanian, Swiss and etc. and BECOME AMERICANS! Enough with this multi-cultural bullshit! AMERICA IS A COUNTRY, like any other!

        I got two people at work of Honduran decent who say they were born in America but when you say something negative about Hondurans or its government, (such as it is the murder capital of the world) they go ape shit.

        I may be of different European decent, but I was born in this country and that makes me an AMERICAN NATIONAL first and foremost! So PICK A COUNTRY! If you don’t like America, then get the hell out.

    2. Americans are often shocked when they go to the beach in Australia as we have Aussie flag beach towels that people put down and lie on. Some of them go into insane rants about patriotism but it is after all just a piece of printed cloth(i have heard it’s racist these days).
      A big seller here a few years ago was toilet paper with our prime minister’s face on it. if someone over there did it with Obama’s face they might make a fortune.

      1. I’m sure if they sold Obama toilet paper online, DHS and NSA would get involved like they did with someone’s NSA joke products and make the person look like an extremist and threaten to do something to them if they don’t stop selling it. That’s what happens in an oligarchy.

  6. Are you sure those photos aren’t from capitol hill? Russians don’t make any decisions for us. Our officials DO and they do much worse than that so any outrage directed towards Russia over their view of us should begin with what happens in our house first and how we are so grossly misrepresented we are.

  7. Despite the media’s pitiful attempt to portray Putin as the “Grand Chess Master”, as well as portraying Obummer as the bumbling Inspector Clouseau, BOTH are dyed-in-the-wool communists. I place no blame on the people of Russia, they have no more control over their ‘government’ than we do over ours (so-called).

    That said, if there’s ANY doubt whatsoever as to my view of communists in ANY country…
    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.·´

    1. Yep. I 100% agree with ya on all points, #1. Couldn’t have said it better myself. Both are two puppets controlled by the same master. It’s the governments and their puppets that people around the world need to do with. NOT the country’s people. And that’s the bottom line.

  8. The elites use propaganda like this because they want the people to fight each other rather than their government. Not gonna happen. Everyone knows who is to blame and it ain’t the people of each country. There are billions of people around the world against only a handful of elite. It’s no contest. It’s just a matter of finding them and eradicating them ASAP.

    1. All very true. We know also that there are militia in Canada who train with Americans. There are Germans in Germany, and even Russians in Russia who are in militias training and organizing just as we are. Liberty is not just an American Concept anymore. Our ancestors inspire to this day people of other counties.


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