6 thoughts on “This is Why the US wants Assad OUT

  1. Lol, it makes SO much sense now looking back on the Presidental Selection of 2012. They were telling us what they planned to do before we even got to this point, but so many of the “sheeple” don’t even remember all the unfulfilled promises that these psychopathic liars made. So many American nationals are hypnotized by the “cult of personality” that Barry Soetoro is. “He’s are first Black President!” and “Change, change, change!” my parents, neighbors, and relatives hysterically shouted when he was selected back in 2008. I, fourteen years old then, thought to myself, “But what kind of change? Is this change going to be good or bad?” Well, a couple of years later I see (and have seen for three years now) that this “change” wasn’t good at all, but so many people I know (primarily the Black and Latino ones) still glorify this traitor because they can’t see pass this man’s skin color. This is the problem I have bare with my family. It absolutely bewilders them that a Black guy would have anything bad to say about President O’buster, to add even more confusion they know I was not raised in the “Right-winger”, “Republican”, or “Conservative” milieu, so they can’t throw those labels on me when I present the truth to them about the traitor known as our President. You should have seen their faces when I told them that “I didn’t vote for him!” back in 2012. It was like they saw the Devil himself. Lol. Alright I’m finished with my tangent.

    1. Learningslowly, the race card has ever been one of the Zionists’ favorite distractions and deceptions.

      The better to keep the focus off of them.

    2. btw, I was telling everyone I knew that the only change they could expect was a change for the worse. Absolutely guaranteed it, in fact.

      I’m not the one looking like the idiot now.

    3. Learningslowly, very bright for your age(s)! Good for you!
      Even at 14, you trusted your intuition/knew something was up 🙂
      & regarding “It was like they saw the Devil himself.”
      I would be happy to call you my child 🙂

  2. I stood aghast as I watched in 2008 as Obama and family walked out onto the stage as the crowd went nuts and their tears flowed. I even cried … not for Obama, but I was sad for all the people in the crowd who had been fooled by him and most important for our country. I knew then we we going to go through hell.

    I even told my coworker at the time, who voted for him, “Obama scares me”. She laughed then. Last year I reminded her about what I had said back then. You know what she said? … “NOW he scares me.”

    Let’s also remember how symbolism is important to these traitors. I remember taking note back then at how much Michelle’s black dress with the red belly reminded me so much of a black widow spider.
    . . .

  3. Just after it was announced o had won (The first time), I just sat there….dumbfounded…..
    The phone rang, no “Hello”, just “I didn’t vote for him” (It was my oldest) and then silence for a few seconds. (I already knew he hadn’t, ((He called bs on 9/11 right away, he gets it )) he was just in as much shock as I was.) I pulled myself together carried on the conversation of where we go from here.
    I do have to admit, for at least a week after that election it seemed like I was walking around in a fog, (a fog of dis-belief) many other people I spoke with were feeling the same way……and now, here we are………..

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