Thousands of sheep in Australia die from ‘banging their heads till they crack open’ after eating poisonous plant

Independent – by Adam Withnall

Thousands of sheep in Australia are believed to have died after eating a poisonous plant that makes them “bash their heads on posts and rocks until they crack open”.

The usually-rare toxic plant, misleadingly named the “Darling pea”, has spread rapidly in the aftermath of bushfires in New South Wales – which themselves caused devastation for sheep farmers in the area.

Now vets have said that many of the animals which survived the fires face a new and highly addictive threat.

North West Local Land Services regional veterinarian Bob McKinnon told theSydney Morning Herald that once sheep started eating the plant they exhibit behaviour “similar to that of a drunk”.

“They lose weight to start with and then get staggery, the progression gets worse, they get unco-ordinated and depressed, they don’t know where their feet are.”

He said that “staring eyes”, “head pressing” and “muscle tremors” were other symptoms, until eventually the animals “just go to a post and bang their head on it till they crack their heads open”.

The task of bringing in herds that would normally take six hours instead takes “days”, Mr McKinnon said. “It’s like dealing with a thousand heroin addicts.”

Just one farming family in Coonabarabran said they had lost 800 sheep to the deadly plant. Stephen and Louise Knight said the animals were missing when they counted up the stock at shearing time.

“It was just devastating they weren’t there when we went to get them.

“The fire was a distressing thing to have happen, we lost so many stock, fences, pasture – and then for it to come back with a terrible noxious plant like this, it’s awful and very distressing.”

The plant, from the Swainsona family of desert peas native to Australia, has toxins which build up when sheep graze on it for extended periods. It attacks an enzyme involved in metabolism, ultimately crippling the animal’s central nervous system.

There is no cure, Mr McKinnon said, other than to “get the animals off it in time”. “But if they’ve been on it too long the damage has been done and it doesn’t repair to where it should be,” he said.

7 thoughts on “Thousands of sheep in Australia die from ‘banging their heads till they crack open’ after eating poisonous plant

  1. “….once sheep started eating the plant they exhibit behaviour ‘similar to that of a drunk’”.

    Okay.. expect that this poison pea will soon be in pill form and sold in nightclubs all over L.A. If you thought the naked flesh-eating bath salt abusers were crazy, wait until the head-bangers hit the streets.

    1. 😆 , it may be a treat for those partiers 😉
      Yea, this sounds like “staggers grass” that I heard of years ago.

  2. They should put some of that in the salads served to every politician. It would be a fitting end for them. 😉

    1. Hey Sunfire, I thought I might have ingested some of that stuff. My frustration with what’s happened to our Republic makes me feel like I’ve been banging my head against the wall for sometime!

  3. presuming drunks dont crak the skull open towards deth
    I have to go with a diversion of Jolly Rodger on this one.
    in that it will be in pill form, just different use. Surprise!

  4. Yes, this will be the latest street drug rage for sure. At least it will resolve our drug addiction problem when all the addicts smash their heads open.

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