Trencher Alert

Our son who is living in Junction City got a job in Eugene and has to make a move ASAP.  As he is working six days a week we are going to need to pack the house and prepare it for the move.  It is going to take a few days at least.

I will back up on the air as soon as possible. 

I really wanted to broadcast today, as I just witnessed the head CEO of the corporate Israeli fiefdom, the United States Corporation, sign a proclamation in the name of the United States Corporate fiefdom and all its subjects, declaring by royal decree that another country’s sovereign territory, Syria’s Golan Heights, is to be incorporated into the kingdom of Zion.

Just another act of treason against the American nationals, but there can be no doubt left to anyone that the people of the United States are subject to the will of a foreign king.

Would have loved to talk about it.

Anyway, better get to it and again, I will be back as soon as possible.

19 thoughts on “Trencher Alert

  1. Henry and Laura, I hope all goes as smooth as possible in this endeavor. Family should come first as you are demonstrating here. Many hands make for light work and look forward to your return.

    1. we moved to texas this past August…. I got stories!!! LOL

      I think I am not that far from you and Deon….one of these days fellas 🙂

  2. That’s what family is for.

    At least other peoples’… not mine.

    Have as smooth a transition as possible, Henry.

    1. you know that saying ‘you can choose your friends but not your family.’…..well I disagree….I see several Trenchers as family

  3. Henry and Laura, I wish you good luck and hope your son’s move goes as smoothly as possible. I will be doing the same thing here as soon as my mom passes (which won’t be long now).

    1. I know what your going through Sunfire, my mother was my rock, you’ve given so much to your mom, you have been remarkable. Hope she passes easy, God bless you both.

      1. Thank you Mark. She truly has been my rock. I was blessed to have her for close to fifty years.

        Congratulations on the new job! Blessings come when we least expect it.

      1. Thank you Mary. She is a beautiful woman with a beautiful soul. Heaven has a special place for people like her.

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