Trencher Alert

There will be no broadcast of the Word From The Trenches today; James Henry, take your??? and shove them up your ass.  I dont work for you, Motherfucker, and you have 0, nada, nothing to say about how the site and broadcast are run here.  In fact, you have nothing more to say.  Your ass is in SPAM with Darkwing, the defeatist.  My private life is mine alone.  To the Trenchers I care about, I will make this exception, my youngest son took his vacation to come and spend a week with me which included his birthday and Thanksgiving.  When he gets up in the morning, I ask him what he wants to do, and that’s what we do.  If you open your curtain, you will notice that the days are very short and the time I get to spend with my son to me is priceless, so we leave early.  That’s all anyone needs to know.  There would have been a broadcast today, but I think I am not getting through to some people so I will become even harsher.  Sorry, to my true brothers and sister in the Trenches.  Have a nice weekend, and I will be up on Monday… maybe.



6 thoughts on “Trencher Alert

  1. Thanksgiving Stirrings: Ain’t it all about people, humans, the ones we’ve come to trust, or to respect, or even love? That’s why the world is worth saving. Before I am an activist, I’m a person, a human being, and I seek out other human beings who like being human, really human, which means shedding off all the false programming we had smeared on us since birth. On-line we are basically digital, but digital with vibrations; and thank goodness for vibrations ’cause you can pick up on what a person is about and if you’re really lucky have some sense of connection or affinity. Sometimes I think I’m talking to myself. Or maybe I don’t let commenters know how I perceive their insights as so very valuable and unique. They move the truth forward; they take risks in blasting out their opinions; they bring wisdom, and street sense, and righteous rage that ain’t afraid to kick ass. And once in a while they bring some very needed humor. And we just don’t know what battles others are fighting. Planet Earth is a War-Zone. Expensive, and dangerous. In that construct we move, always seeking freedom, and friends. I’ve concluded that I need others more than they need me, but when it’s all done, I like to be with good people, lovers of freedom, friendly, helpful, nice to be around, and fully committed to fighting tyranny; in other words, Bill of Rights people. I know I ask for a lot. And since there are still remnants of Thanksgiving around, just wanted to say, hey Trenchers, I’m thankful for you!!


  2. Heck I’ve barely even used the internet since Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Why? Because son and his family and daughter and her boyfriend–a manly man if there ever was one!–have been visiting and all sorts of outdoor activities in our rural remote community. I’m totally with you on this issue, Henry! Hope you all had a great last few days. Blessings!

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