I receive the following email from Paul today in response to my inquiry as to his condition:
Hello Henry.
Yes as well as can be expected. Have had a number of health issues. Barb as well. Have been trying to get to the bottom of them. When I am coherent enough have been trying to find out how to handle them: Migraines, nausea, lightheaded, balance issues, active tremor, to name a few.
Barb has had some issues as well. Old age isn’t what it is cracked up to be. Still alive though.
Thank you for taking the time to check on us. You have given me a lift.
Hope all is well with you and your loved ones.
Please say hello to the Trenchers for me. Migraine in the eyes now, can’t see what I am typing.
Thank you brother.
Glad to hear you’re still around, Paul. Angel & I were talking about how we hadn’t seen you posting for quite some time… we were both very concerned. Health issues seem to be going around lately… I just had a pacemaker implanted, NOT optional.
Anyway, glad you’re okay (to an extent), and do take care, brother.
And thank you for checking up, Henry.
Thank you #1.
Hey Paul!
Hey #1.
Sorry if you’ve tried to email me lately, but I’ve had a couple of different email accounts since we last communicated.
If you like, you can get my new address from Henry (he’s the only person who currently has it). The same to you, Angel, if you read this comment (I can’t access my old email, so I don’t have yours anymore).
Take care of yourself, brother, we’re not getting any younger.
Yes, of course I want to have it. No wonder you haven’t replied. LOL
Henry, please send me #1’s current email address. Thank you. <3
Yes Henry. Me too. Thanks #1.
Thank you Henry for Paul’s update. Great to hear from you Paul.
Hello Katie. thank you.
hope your well Katie
Prayers comin’ your way, Paul and Barb. May you receive healing and strength. You are loved and valued.
Thank you KOYOTE
Thank you galen.
I hope Paul and Barb are both feeling better soon. This has been a very difficult year.
Thank you sunfire
Paul, my thoughts are with you and Barb. Not to be a busy body but as a (retired) nurse trained to take medical histories I ask you …does your home have a smart meter on it? If so what is the proximity to your bedroom? Did your symptoms appear after smart meter installed? Hope you don’t mind my inquiry just concerned for you and Barb. Love to you both.
No smart meter. refused it when they installed them in my area.
Prayers for you and Barb, Paul. And thanks Henry for posting this. Like everyone else I was kinda wondering. Mary may have a point about smart meters because while I’ve had migraines since the days of menstruation (except when I was pregnant), I’ve gotten more of them since menopause and then the forced implementation of smart meter–BUT our smart meter is NOT attached to our house but is about thirty feet away (next to a tree that has now dead branches on it, close to the meter). Now the ones in your eyes are CLUSTER-MIGRAINES which I also get every now and then, and they are the most severe. The only med I take is Imitrex because I simply cannot handle migraines of any type any more. Natural remedies no longer work for me. But if you need a natural remedy, here are some–feverfew, butterburr, and pau darco (but NOT if you have low blood pressure!)
I’ve had migraines since I was 7 years old and I have suffered clusters throughout my life, lasting as long as a month, but I found the cure. When you know you are getting ready to have the headache, put an oxygen bottle on 30%, hook a mask to it, and breathe it for 15 minutes. If the headache isn’t gone, do it again. This ended my last clusters within a week, 10 or 12 years ago and I haven’t had a vicious migraine since.
A nurse practitioner that I knew found it when I asked her to look for something other than pills that don’t do a goddamn thing, no matter what they are, for cluster migraines.
Try it, it sure as hell worked for me.
That is excellent. How more natural than oxygen? I never had a migraine, hope to God I don’t.
Thanks for the update on Paul. It is comforting knowing that somebody cares.
great info! thank you
Thank you Henry. will try the oxygen.
have tried feverfew, butterburr, and pau darco. none worked. will check on the Imitrex . Thank you for your prayers.
Sure miss talking with you Paul, all the best my friend, thank you for letting Henry give us the word, stay strong my friend. My best to the both of you.
Thank you Mark.
May Barb and Paul awake tomorrow morning to good health.
Thank you Dr, Karl
Paul, You KNOW that you and Barb are ALWAYS in my Prayers. <3
I know you are private and do not want to share your personal issues openly. You've always been one to help others, rather than ask for help for yourself. However, please know that you have Many friends in the Trenches who are there for you if you reach out.
XOXO <3 <3 <3
Thank you Angel. Your a great lady. <3
It is good to see your words regardless, Paul.
Barb and yourself are in my prayers.
Thank you, Henry.
Thank you Hal. Your prayers are valued.
Glad to hear from you Paul, hope you and Barb are getting better and we will see more of you around these parts!
Thank you Bill.