Trencher Allert

We recently asked for help on the site.  Between two people who dentate every month, in a week, we received a total of $90.  At the post office for three days straight, there has been nothing in my mailbox. No junk mail, no credit card solicitation, nothing.  It is my belief, as this has never occurred before, that it has reached the point that the corporations are just shutting off any access through the mail.  Either that, or no one has stepped up to help.  The only way I can tell for sure is to ask if anyone donated via a check or money order that has not seen the check or money order cashed or deposited.  If so, I would ask that you email me and let me know.  Otherwise, I will assume no one cares to help and the tens of thousands of views that we are seeing on the articles that we are posting are from people bleeding the site in order to use the articles for monetary gain.  Either way, I need to know so I can adjust accordingly.  We never asked for help until we had rebuilt the site and got the broadcast back online.  If no one cares to help we will begin to wind down the site.  I’m not going to maintain the site and broadcast for nothing.  If you don’t want it, you won’t have it, and I’m not going to be butt-leached by those looking to capitalize on my work.


If you have donated, please let me know.  If you don’t want the Trenches up anymore, let me know and I will take the appropriate action.

“No seeds were planted, so the garden didn’t grow
No windows were opened, so the air didn’t flow
No light was on for any to see
So many couldn’t know what was coming to be”

Galen is absolutely correct, and you will reap what you sow.



16 thoughts on “Trencher Allert

    1. Hope you received what I sent. I know the format changed I used to download the broadcast and listen after while I work. Can’t do that now. Finally caught you live today.

  1. I see no other site bringing The Bill of Rights as the solutions and no other site broadcaster encouraging the people to be ready to fight the physical fight. I would not be here unless I thought it was the best place to be to live my conscience. And even though I know real Trenchers will fight with everything in them, I think about Henry and the site going away and a great sadness comes over me.

    I’m callin’ on the spirits of Patrick Henry, Sam Whittemore, Crispus Attucks, and all the other unnamed brave who refused to live under tyranny and who gave all they had to face it down.

    Mr. Henry Shivley, I am in your debt. You bring the guttural decency that makes humans human. May life reward you and its inhabitants recognize your value.


  2. Hi Henry, I just wanted to let you & other Trenchers know that I donated via PayPal last month.. .
    So what you may ask?
    I’m an Australian, living in Australia and you content is enjoyed thoroughly by me so the least I could do is put my hand in my pocket to help (I have donated previously).
    The moral of the story, don’t be a SHEKEL GRABBIN’ JEW LEACH, give the man a hand and donate , your KARMA will thank you.
    Keep fighting the good fight Henry, your a rare breed.

  3. i also made a donation via Paypal the same night as your request was posted. I have made 3 donations since the site was updated. I know how busy things are for you, so, not having received an email from you, I figured you did receive them, but were swamped with so much going on, that there was no time left for email, which I completely understand. I hope those donations made it through okay. Every time you ask, I always send something out to help.

  4. Just donated via PayPal. I just figured out how to use donating with PayPal WITHOUT setting up a PayPal account which I have no more intention of doing since they are just another wokester corporation owned by commies, etc. And a couple of months ago I sent cash by mail…I have a funny feeling you never got it since when you get cash Henry you respond via email you got it. I hope you did get the cash but really I can no longer trust the USPS (having had several bill payments “lost in the mail” and then paying late fees! Sorry it’s late but I had PayPal concerns. I really can’t do without FTTWR, Henry–it’s the only Bill of Rights site out there that I know of.

  5. Just got back online after being away. This has always been fkn BS, people need to step up if even for a few bucks, many months i could only do 5 or 10 bucks to send in but i still sent something. Was down and out with losing my job because i dont take no fkn Jab for awhile… finally got another better job now, so will try to start sending regularly again…sent in 50$ just now….

    Henry is the last voice of Freedom……….DTTNWO Eternal and all whom support or enable it.

  6. Henry I made a donation on paypal 7 ? 8 days ago. Said thanks from Henry Shively. WE NEED TO FCKNG FIGHT SO THERE IS NO WAY AROUND IT!! Your one my best friends and we never even seen each other before, Hope to talk to you in person someday, Your brother Ken I Lost my Daughter less than a week ago. She was Amanda, only 36 years old. She left behind two of my granchildren Makenzie 10yrs old and Makayla is seveteen and going to graduate this next week,, their mother my daughter drank herself to death according to coroner. Again Love you Brother

    1. Oh Ken, I will not demine myself with death clichés which are no more than etiquette for those who speak them, as words are meaningless and one might as well be talking to a tree. I will say that when someone dies, those that love them, being individual beings each suffer their individual hell. I know I will not live long enough to see the apex for the loss of my Laura, but I can say I know the intensity of your pain. You and your granddaughters hold on to each other as much as you can as you endure the pain. You have always stood behind me on this site and I see you as a kindred spirit.

      Your friend,

    2. Hey Ken, you are a warrior and I am glad to know you. Thank you for trusting us with your story. I wish strength for you and your family and send the support of friendship. Take care, brother. You are needed and respected.


      1. Thank you Galen. The loss is painful but it has brought our family closer together. She knew they are trying to kills us. Ken

  7. Hey Henry, this post has been bothering me all day, I can’t standby and hope for others to fill my shoes. I have been a fan since you were on “News Blok” ! Aside from a couple friends, to me, you are one of the most admirable men in the world. You have more guts then the entire Marine Corp ever had! For me, you picked the worst possible time to ask for help, like Ken I’m going through some heavy sh!t. After all isn’t that why it’s called “From the Trenches” ? We’re all here because we’re all in the trenches every day.

    Ken, I can’t imagine how difficult it is to lose a child, I couldn’t think of anything worse. Stay strong, deepest sympathy.

    I too have lost, my father and father in law, 9 days apart, last January. One from “respatory issues” and the other from “brain bleeding”. Yeah I know…

    So now, in about 2 weeks the home I built (every nail, screw, pipe, wire and drop of paint) will be auctioned off and I’d be moving into a cardboard box if it weren’t for a family cottage I partially inherited. No running water, no heat but I’m not complaining.

    Moving 120 miles away from the business I built over 27 years (small construction) while being a single father, is going to be difficult.

    My problems, not yours.

    I admit I could have been more diligent with donations, I will try to do better, you are worth it Henry !

    Since I’m moving I’ll try and get some items together that may interest trenchers and send them to you for an auction.

    I’m sorry you have such a thankless task Henry but you are needed more than you know.

    Donation via PayPal, wish I could do more.


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