Trump beats Clinton in Israeli absentee-voter exit poll

The Jerusalem Post

If American citizens in Israel were to choose the next president of the United States, Republican nominee Donald Trump would win the election, according to the results of an exit poll taken among absentee voters in Israel obtained exclusively by The Jerusalem Post.

Trump received 49% of the Israeli-American vote, while Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton got 44%, according to the poll conducted by get-out-the-vote organization iVoteIsrael and KEEVOON Global Research.  

Another 2% voted for Libertarian Gary Johnson, and the rest chose “other” or said they voted for Congress and not a presidential candidate.

Full results of the exit poll, including state-by-state results, will be available on Thursday. The poll was taken on Monday-Wednesday of this week, among 1,140 respondents, and has a 3% margin of error.

According to the US Vote Foundation, an international get-out-the-vote organization for absentee voters, the top 10 states for voters sending ballots from Israel are New York – from which a third of such voters hail – New Jersey, California, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland and Texas. Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania are swing states.

The total number of votes coming from Israel, 30,000, is significantly lower than voter turnout in Israel in 2012, when 80,000 Americans in Israel used iVoteIsrael’s voter aid services alone.

Eitan Charnoff, iVoteIsrael executive director, said the low turnout, despite the organization holding dozens of events and the major parties’ Israeli representatives being active as well, is due to this year’s candidates.

“I think that a lot of people expressed a lack of enthusiasm about either candidate,” he stated. “It will be interesting to see if that is reflected in the voting in the US next week as well.”

The results also greatly differed. In 2012, iVoteIsrael’s exit poll found that 84% of Americans in Israel voted for Republican Mitt Romney and 14% voted to reelect US President Barack Obama.

The shift in voting patterns shows “the dynamic nature of politics and how people choose to vote for the US president in Israel,” Charnoff posited.

3 thoughts on “Trump beats Clinton in Israeli absentee-voter exit poll

  1. Dovetails into a previous article yesterday or before. Foreign elections. That’s what you get when you vote. RESTORE OUR BILL OF RIGHTS !

  2. “I think that a lot of people expressed a lack of enthusiasm about either candidate,” he stated. “It will be interesting to see if that is reflected in the voting in the US next week as well.”

    “It will be interesting to see if that is reflected in the voting in the US next week as well.” I believe it will be, as most of us know it is a big, fat sham to vote!!!

  3. “The shift in voting patterns shows “the dynamic nature of politics and how people choose to vote for the US president in Israel,” Charnoff posited.”


    The electoral dynamic is locked in already.

    If they live in Israhell, they’ve got no business meddling in our (s)elections.

    Even if they are fake.

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