Two new terms used

Today I took a survey that used two terms I was not familiar with. First I will say that of the four people listed as conducting the survey, three were Chinese. I am not at liberty to discuss the topic of the survey but the two terms were Utilitarian and Hedonic. In case you should run across them being used in the future here are their meanings:

Utitilarian= Of, relating to, or in the interests of utility.
Exhibiting or stressing utility over other values; practical.
Of, characterized by, or advocating utilitarianism.

Hedonic= Of, relating to, or marked by pleasure.
Of or relating to hedonism or hedonists.
Pertaining to sexual excitement.

Jill in OKC

4 thoughts on “Two new terms used

  1. Thank you for the definitions. Just have to add, be careful of surveys and polls. Not only because of data-basing/profiling, but depending what’s asked, the risk of being disarmed. Even if they say it’s anonymous, I don’t believe it. So I just had to mention this, Jill.


  2. Thank you galen. I have taken proper precautions for my survey taking since it’s the only way I earn money now. Due to their inability to track me I am thrown out of many surveys.

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