One thought on “U.S. Gov’t Has A List Of Americans To ROUND UP In Case Of War! – w/ Whitney Webb

  1. section 1021/22 of highly unlawful treasonous NDAA.. all they gotta do is say.. “national security”.. what do you call it Henry, open subject matter!? vague, murky, convoluted.. and they don’t have to explain it to you.. even if they could!! this is why you CANNOT ALLOW them to handcuff you, EVER!! if they come to arrest you, they have no intention of letting you go so you might as well shoot it out with em.. you could maybe possibly win the gunfight.. you WILL NOT win the cuffed and stuffed fight. they arrested a guy in New Mexico few years back on BS traffic charge. threw him in solitary and FORGOT HIM for 2or3 years!! he ended up winning a suit for a couple million dollars but it could’ve gone very differently. with no phone call.. no one in his family even knew what happened to him or where he was!! anybody thinks that’s ok, deserves every bad thing that’s GOING TO happen to them.

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