U.S. Patent And Trademark Office Cancels Redskins Trademark

Huffington Post

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office canceled six federal trademark registrations for the name “Washington Redskins” on Wednesday on the grounds that the football team’s name is “disparaging to Native Americans” and thus in violation of federal trademark laws banning offensive or disparaging language.

“We decide, based on the evidence properly before us, that these registrations must be cancelled because they were disparaging to Native Americans at the respective times they were registered,” the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board wrote in its opinion Wednesday.  

The landmark ruling was filed on behalf of a group of Native Americans.

The decision was first reported by Think Progress.

Below, more from the AP:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. Patent Office ruled Wednesday that the Washington Redskins nickname is “disparaging of Native Americans” and that the team’s federal trademarks for the name must be canceled.

The 2-1 ruling comes after a campaign to change the name gained momentum over the past year. The team doesn’t immediately lose trademark protection and is allowed to retain it during an appeal, which is likely.

Redskins owner Dan Snyder has refused to change the team’s name, citing tradition, but there has been growing pressure including statements in recent months from President Barack Obama, lawmakers of both parties and civil rights groups.

The decision means that the team can continue to use the Redskins name, but it would lose a significant portion of its ability to protect the financial interests connected to its use. If others printed the name on sweatshirts, apparel, or other team material, it becomes more difficult to go after groups who use it without permission.

The case involves six registered trademarks that involve the use of the word Redskins, but it does not apply to the team’s logo.

The decision by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board is similar to one it issued in 1999. That ruling was overturned in 2003 in large part on a technicality after the courts decided that the plaintiffs should have filed their complaint soon after the Redskins registered their nickname in 1967.

The new case was launched in 2006 by a younger group of Native Americans, and was heard by the board in March of last year.

The group argued that the Redskins should lose their federal trademark protection based on a law that prohibits registered names that are disparaging, scandalous, contemptuous or disreputable.

Suzan Shown Harjo, one of the plaintiffs who testified at last year’s hearing, said she was “thrilled and delighted” with the decision. Snyder declined to speak to reporters as he walked off the practice field, but the team said it planned to release a statement later in the day.

In Washington, lawmakers who have pushed for a name change applauded the decision. In May, half of the Senate wrote letters to the NFL urging the team to change its name.

“Daniel Snyder may be the last person in the world to realize this, but it’s just a matter of time until he is forced to do the right thing and change the name,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who has said previously he will not attend home games until the team changes its name.


8 thoughts on “U.S. Patent And Trademark Office Cancels Redskins Trademark

  1. My Fellow Americans:

    I think people may be may be missing the FAR bigger gambit here,….

    This isn’t about whether “Redskins” is offensive or not (… in fact,.. it has nothing to do with it…),…. its about pushing the COMMUNIST AGENDA,.. period,.. bar none.

    This is a Prima-Facia example of commie speak,.. “Political Correctness” gone wild.

    It falls along the same lines as declassifying Pluto as a planet,.. which MOST people did not even catch.

    Its about destroying reminders of what was,… and instituting what is to be,…

    Its about destroying the cultural concepts, and hallmarks of what was a Free & Open Society,…. and replacing it with fear to even utter certain phrases, such as:

    – Redskins (OOoooooo,.. the horrors!,.. will they never stop?…)

    – Pluto (as in a planet….)

    – Inside Job (… as in 9/11…)

    – Al Qeada (They did 9/11!!!,.. no wait!,.. now,.. they are our friends!,.. no wait,.. they are the enemy again!,.. NO WAIT,.. they are our friends,… again!!!.,….)

    – 2nd Amendment


    – Investigative Journalism (which has been completely replaced by “Entertainment Based News”,…. in other words,… Real News has been replaced by propaganda…)

    – Bill Of Rights (… NOW,… according to the 9 Supreme Traitors,.. is the “Bill Of Priviledges….)

    and so on,.. and so on,…

    This is just another statement by the COMMIES,.. they have now assumed FULL control of this country (… or at least they think so…)

    JD – US Marines – There is ONLY one way out of this people,.. and we all know what it is….


  2. If this were indeed true, the Indians would have already said something. They didn’t, and it is their call, not the government’s. This is just another ant trail that leads to total suppression of free speech. We accept this, and then later we will find ourselves in JAIL for such things, or having our house and family taken away, or some equally barbaric, psychopathic craziness.

  3. I’ve said it on sports blogs and I’ll say it here: considering the staggering genocide by the US govt. against Native Americans…for instance 1 tribe exists on Long Island now when there used to be 20 tribes!–this politically correct hypocrisy by them is disgusting! What Native Americans ought to be doing is constantly denouncing the govt. that wiped them out and suing them no matter what for genocide, not complaining about the name of a football team! Are Native American leaders as corrupt as the US govt.? I think this proves they are.

      1. The head of the Oneonta Nation in NY State is, for one thing. Read it on a sports blog. Most Native Americans of course couldn’t care less. I am talking about the leadership, tribal councils, etc.

  4. Waiting patiently for them to cancel;.

    Apple(North America) an American Indian (Native American) who is “red on the outside, white on the inside.” Used primarily by other American Indians to indicate someone who has lost touch with their cultural identity. First used in the 1970s

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