UNICEF Warns Child Deaths in Gaza Due to Israeli Siege Will ‘Increase Rapidly’

By Dave DeCamp – Antiwar.com

At least 16 Palestinian children have starved to death in the Gaza Strip over the past few days due to the US-backed Israeli siege, and the UN’s child relief agency is warning that the number of child deaths will “rapidly increase” if conditions don’t immediately change.

“Last week, we warned that an explosion in child deaths was imminent if the burgeoning nutrition crisis wasn’t resolved,” said Adele Khodr, UNICEF’s director for the Middle East and North Africa. “Now, the child deaths we feared are here and are likely to rapidly increase unless the war ends and obstacles to humanitarian relief are immediately resolved.”

The latest Palestinian child reported to die of hunger was Yazan al-Kafarna, a 10-year-old with cerebral palsy who was in the al-Najjar Hospital in Rafah. Fifteen children have also died of malnutrition and dehydration at the Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza.

The UN has previously warned that Gaza’s entire population of about 2.2 million people is facing “crisis” levels of food insecurity, and at least 576,000 Palestinians in Gaza are “facing catastrophic levels of deprivation and starvation.”

Despite the dire situation, the State Department reaffirmed on Monday that it will continue to provide military assistance for Israel’s genocidal war. The US is still not pushing for an immediate ceasefire or using military aid as leverage over Israel to allow more aid trucks into Gaza. Instead, the US dropped aid out of planes over the weekend, a move criticized by aid groups as a public relations ploy since the amount was just a drop in the bucket of what’s needed in Gaza.

According to the latest numbers from Gaza’s Health Ministry, 30,534 Palestinians have been killed by Israel, and 71,920 have been injured. About 70% of the casualties are women and children.

5 thoughts on “UNICEF Warns Child Deaths in Gaza Due to Israeli Siege Will ‘Increase Rapidly’

  1. The voices of two Palestinian fathers:

    ‘It’s been forty days, and none of my children has seen the sight of bread. I and two of my older sons spend the entire day searching for food, and by the end of the day, we come up short and return home together. The whole family sits together in the night’s darkness as the hunger eats away at our stomachs. Nothing is worse than that. The danger we face in trying to get flour is nothing compared to how we feel on those nights. Hunger and thirst are quickly threatening to be more dangerous to people than the incessant airstrikes.”
    — Faris Eleywa

    “I don’t know how to explain to my children that we don’t have food. Our lives must have become so meaningless and cheap for so many people to die this way. Children die, women die, families die. All from hunger. I don’t know how to explain to my children that we don’t have food. I don’t know how to face them and tell them they will continue to go hungry. I would rather face death than have to tell them that.”
    — Ahmad Imteiz


  2. UNICEF eh?

    “The UNITED NATIONS International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) was established in 1946, in the aftermath of World War II.”

    Go to their website “history” page & see them talking about all the “good work” they do for “children’s rights”, see them talking about “how much good the human family can do when it unites to protect the rights of its youngest and most vulnerable citizens” & see pictures of jews (who have run the organisation) awarding themselves prizes for all this “good work”. Look at the thing on the right especially for a perfect example – Mrs. Zena Harman, Chair of UNICEF’s Executive Board OY VEY – in the linked photo!!!


    We all know how jews like to dress up their weapons of war to appear as the most righteous, humane, honorable expressions of love! UNICEF is the perfect example of a very successful mass trance-inducing psychological weapon. Its effectiveness is easily witnessed if you ever dare invite any of its victims to just put their emotions to one side for a minute & LOOK a little deeper as you join some very obvious dots for them…

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