WEB Notes: This will certainly be mind blowing to many Americans who never think about how many times they are jabbed with a vaccine much less their new born babies. Protect yourself and your children, educate yourself about vaccines so you can make an informed decision.
A new study published today in the Journal of Human and Experimental Toxology found that countries that administer a higher number of vaccines during the first year of life experience higher infant mortality rates.
The infant mortality rate (IMR) of a country is one of the most accepted and critical indicators of the socioeconomic well being of its citizens. It also reflects public health conditions and whether those conditions are improving or worsening over time.
The United States ranks 34th in infant mortality rate which means that 33 countries outrank the USA in this critical measure of public health. In addition, the United States’ immunization schedule for infants under 1 year of age recommends 26 vaccinations – the highest in the entire world.
Source: New Study: More Vaccines Increase Infant Mortality Rates | The Healthy Home Economist
good site…and, you know, there is no evidence for germ theory either. seriously.
Mary, thank you for the link and for the articles and links you have shared and posted.
Brandon—thank you for this article
Like we wanna be number one in infant mortality
How much more insane can it get?
As we know it, anyway.
Oh, things will get much worse. Concerning the outcome of humanity, I’m not optimistic.
“Too many cooks spoil the broth” or so they say.
All of this “infighting” when a comet could come from nowhere and wipe us from existence. But let’s fight over some god-damned sand. Oh, and the money too!
“Oh, things will get much worse. Concerning the outcome of humanity, I’m not optimistic.”
Of that I have zero doubt, Millard.
However, that was merely a ‘disclaimer’ to negate any suspicion of defeatism on my part.