Utah Deputy Arrested After Pistol Whipping his Dad After Caught Sleeping with his Wife

Articles upon Articles – by Eric Smitts

This sounds like something right out of the script of a Jerry Springer show.

The details of this case had been unclear and remained somewhat of a mystery until now.

Here is how it all went down….

The family all had dinner together which included a few drinks (or more than a few).   It was TJ Brewer and his wife Logan who also invited Brewer’s father over for dinner.  What TJ didn’t know was that his father planned on having Logan for desert.  In a family comprised of several policeman Timothy Brewer was a deputy  Sheriff and the elder Brewer, known as Corky was  the fire chief of the city of Moab.  

After dinner TJ’s wife, Logan went upstairs to put the kids to bed.  Soon afterward when the kid that Logan said she was putting to bed came downstairs TJ wondered where the heck his wife was.  TJ went upstairs to see what was going on and that’s when the mayhem started.  As the police report states,

He went up to check on where his wife was.  He stated that when he opened the door to his son’s room, he saw his wife on top of his dad having sex.

As one can imagine, the deputy was enraged.  Logan told authorities that he backhanded her and pointed a gun at her face, and then pistol whipped the father.  Logan fled to her parents’ house and the father went home “apparently looking for a firearm” himself.


When Corky the father,  gets home and tries to get a gun to go after his son, his wife Cindy Brewer stops him.  Cindy takes the handgun and locks it in her car. Corky Brewer then grabs a butcher knife. And….and…wait for it…..proceeds to stab himself.  He stabbed himself twice punching his lungs and his liver.  When Cindy returns from locking the gun in the car, she has to pull the knife out of her husband.  Corky was rushed to the Moab Hospital.  Once TJ found out what happened to his father  and where he was at, he took off after hi to finish the job.  TJ was met I the hospital parking lot by anther deputy Sheriff which so happened to also be his Uncle.

After confronting a drunken, shirtless and shoeless TJ, they decided that there was too much family involved.  TJ was eventually arrested for attempted homicide, aggravated assault; two counts of domestic violence in front of a child, assault on a police officer, intoxication, and disorderly conduct.

After handing the case over to the Utah County Sheriff’s Office the charges were reduced to two class A misdemeanors and assault against a peace officer.

Both the father and son have resigned from theirs state positions.  TJ Brewer’s first court appearance is set for Tuesday. He faces up to one year in jail for each charge, if convicted.

I think the Jerry Springer show is still waiting or a return phone call.

SOURCE: Ksl.comTalking Points Memo


4 thoughts on “Utah Deputy Arrested After Pistol Whipping his Dad After Caught Sleeping with his Wife

  1. Once again a damned cop gets charges reduced and will probobly never see a day in jail and will likely get comunity service for a few hours.


    At least she kept it in the family.


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