Victory! No Charges Against Man Who Shot And Killed Cop During No Knock Raid

Before It’s News – by N. Morgan

Another reason why I’m falling in love with Texas! A jury decided not to pursue capitol murder charges against 28-year-old Henry Goedrich Magee, who claims he was protecting his home and family from what he thought were would be robbers, instead turned out to be police for a no knock raid. This is a feather in our hats, ladies and gentleman, on being able to defend ourselves against these psychos!  

In an astonishing ruling, a Texas grand jury declined to press capital murder charges against a man who shot and killed a law enforcement officer executing a no-knock raid on his home. A Burleson County SWAT team raided the man’s home near Snook on December 19th of last year. 28-year-old Henry Goedrich Magee said he shot and killed Burleson County Sgt. Adam Sowders, 31, because he thought he was being robbed and acted to protect his pregnant girlfriend and children.

While the jury declined to indict Magee for capital murder charges, they did indict him for possession of marijuana while in possession of a deadly weapon, a third-degree felony which the state’s district attorney, Julie Renken, said she intends to “fully prosecute.” Nonetheless, for the capital murder charge Magee had bail set at $1 million and was facing life in prison without parole and possible death by lethal injection, instead he’ll likely be released on bond and soon reunited with his family.

Pictured: Burleson County Sgt. Adam Sowders

18 thoughts on “Victory! No Charges Against Man Who Shot And Killed Cop During No Knock Raid

  1. THAT is the problem with no knock raids-the person in the home just can’t determine in an instant exactly who just smashed in to the house! ANY reasonable person would defend themselves against such an intrusion!
    This needs to happen wherever and whenever these unconstitutional rampages occur.

  2. Congratulations to the jury for rendering the correct verdict! I have no sympathy whatsoever for any of these barbaric, savage, assassins that think they have the right to terrorize innocent people in this country. They have no remorse when they brazenly kill innocent people, so why should anyone give a damn when they end up on the other end of the barrel? Police everywhere could learn something from this case: you reap what you sow.

    1. Yes Sunfire, just look at that cop. He looks like he had way too many donuts – talk about a useless eater.

  3. Good post #1, I needed some good news like this. We all need to see more of these cases like this dismissed. These cops need to be put in their places right where they belong. Now I just wish this guy would have the marijuana charges dismissed too.

    1. With this legalization push that is going on in this country ( that I agree with) there shouldn’t be any charges for a simple plant that has been on this earth before God, for our use, (yes for our use, its in the bible too)

      screw a bunch of government stiffs that think they know whats right for anyone else

      let it go and leave this man and his family alone..
      I would pack up and leave this area though after this,, you know them cops are going to retaliate because that’s what they do

      1. There’s a hidden agenda behind that ‘legalization’ (like we really need THEIR ‘permission’ in the first place), Bart.

        At some point, they WILL use this as an excuse to take guns from anyone who registers. Inevitable.

        Also, as I saw pointed out by another poster recently, the cops can run someone’s plate, see if they’re registered, stop them for driving under the influence, and make it stick, since pot remains in the system for up to 30 days, so the driver will still test positive (not that ANY of the labs doing the testing have the least credibility), even if he hadn’t smoked for a week.

        As ALWAYS, it’s ALL about the money.

        1. Yeah, slept till almost 10:30. Fell asleep in front of the computer again last night, before I even found anything to send Henry.

          Gotta quit doin’ that.

  4. “A jury decided not to pursue capitol murder”

    this is what needs to happen everywhere when a cop or group of cops subvert anyones rights

  5. I am very surprised Henry didn’t get mowed down in a hail of gun in the heck did he avoid “suicide by cop”?

    you know Fat boy didn’t come alone, because cowards never start s^it without back up

    sure would like to talk to and learn what this man knows

  6. …karma…and a half-awake jury are wonderful things…I hope the pig’s family had the x-large option on choosing the casket…or a little extra fuel on the flame for turning the pig into dust…ha!

    RJ O’Guillory
    Webster Groves – The Life of an Insane Family

  7. People are seeing what’s going on.
    I’m glad they didn’t indict this guy. He’s doing
    what every responsible parent would do
    to protect family and property.


  8. I’m curious as to why they really let him off? These cops usually have the juries rigged and the judges are usually pro-cops. Strange.

    Anyways, regardless, glad the guy is not being charged for murder and can see his family again, as unbelievable as it sounds.

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