Waitress Fired From Waffle House For Pulling Gun To Fend Off Robbers, As Chain’s “Gun-Free Zone” Policy Spurs Rash Of Armed Robberies Nationwide

The Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Dykes

Three robbers finished their meal at a Newnan, Georgia Waffle House in the middle of the night, but instead of paying their bill, one handed a note to the cashier threatening to shoot everybody if the employees didn’t hand over the restaurant’s cash.

The men then ran out to the parking lot. After her coworker handed former waitress Heather “Shorty” Burkinshaw-Stanley (pictured below) the note, she ran and grabbed her gun from her car and fired one shot into the air outside as the robbers made off in their cars.  


She’s a “former” waitress now because Waffle House fired her over her actions.


“I didn’t know if they had guns. I didn’t know if they were going to their vehicle to get another one and could come back and try to get to the safe, so my instinct was to go to my car and get the gun,” she said.

Stanley said she was only trying to protect the store and her co-workers and didn’t expect to be let go. “For trying to protect their Waffle House and trying to protect their money and to get their money back, they let me go,” she said.

She makes a good point. The robbers threatened to kill everyone and they could be coming back for the safe. It’s a reasonable precaution to take under those circumstances. Waiting for police to show up in that situation could mean lives lost.

Not to mention another Waffle House restaurant in the same area had been robbed twice in the weeks before this incident.

Could the chain’s nationwide no-weapons policy possibly have something to do with that?

It is well known that all Waffle Houses nationwide are now gun-free zones; the only exception to that rule is for law enforcement. This of course has never stopped armed robbers from bringing guns into the restaurants (because criminals don’t follow laws, hence being “criminals”).

In fact, after an off-duty security guard with a concealed carry permit stopped an armed robbery in progress at a Waffle House in Charleston, South Carolina in 2015, the restaurant released a statement all but scolding the guard for his actions and reaffirming their gun-free zone policy:

We are very fortunate that no associate or customer were harmed in this tragic incident. It is Waffle House, Inc., policy not to allow firearms with the exception of law enforcement officers, including security guards. It is our understanding that the customer involved was an off duty security guard who was carrying his firearm and the incident occurred outside the restaurant.

We are well aware that different people and businesses have varying opinions regarding this issue, and we respect the right of all to have different opinions. However, we continue to believe this is the best policy for the safety of our customers and associates.

We are very thankful that no other customers or associates were hurt and will continue to work with local law enforcement as they investigate this matter.

This is after their own employee in that case was quoted by local news as saying, “He saved us, that’s what he did.”

It’s almost as if Waffle House is advertising themselves as an easy place to rob, like the policy is a glaring neon sign beckoning robbers to rob their completely unprotected staff and clientele.

Just Google “Waffle House robbed at gunpoint” and you’ll see that just in the last few months alone, Waffle Houses have been stormed by armed robbers in Georgia, Missouri, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas. This location in Little Rock was robbed twice in the same day. This robber in the Dallas, Texas area robbed two different Waffle Houses in the same day in December. Most of them get away with it, too.

Luckily Stanley was able to raise $7,400 on GoFundMe while she looks for another job.“I know what I did. To myself I felt it was right and wouldn’t hesitate, I would do it again,” she said.

Meanwhile, as more stories like this one continue to come out with increasing frequency, best not to eat at Waffle House late at night unless you go with an armed off-duty security guard or something.

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Contributed by Melissa Dykes of The Daily Sheeple.

Melissa Dykes is a writer, researcher, and analyst for The Daily Sheeple and a co-creator of Truthstream Media with Aaron Dykes, a site that offers teleprompter-free, unscripted analysis of The Matrix we find ourselves living in. Melissa and Aaron also recently launched Revolution of the Method and Informed Dissent. Wake the flock up!

The Daily Sheeple

10 thoughts on “Waitress Fired From Waffle House For Pulling Gun To Fend Off Robbers, As Chain’s “Gun-Free Zone” Policy Spurs Rash Of Armed Robberies Nationwide


  2. *** It is well known that all Waffle Houses nationwide are now gun-free zones; the only exception to that rule is for law enforcement. This of course has never stopped armed robbers from bringing guns into the restaurants… ***

    That policy won’t stop armed robbers, but it will certainly stop me from ever eating there. It’s bad enough that they’re “gun-free” zones, but the exception for the pigs is intolerable.

  3. “The men then ran out to the parking lot. After her coworker handed former waitress Heather “Shorty” Burkinshaw-Stanley (pictured below) the note, she ran and grabbed her gun from her car and fired one shot into the air outside as the robbers made off in their cars”.

    umm F U C _ waffle house!! .. she wasnt even inside the store, she was out in the parking lot where she is fully allowed to be armed for her own protection

    now,, one problem i have with her .. dont freaking waste ammo Beeotch! that bullet should have had an exit wound in its future!

  4. Fired for protecting herself and not being a docile sheep being led to slaughter. “She had a gun in her car? Fire her!”

    Yes, if you stand in defiance, they’ll find a way to exact revenge. “Baa, baa, baa.” Drop to your knees and quiver in your boots.

    Until we’re all compliant sheep, they will make examples of those not “towing the party line.” Hitler’s “Brown Shirts” have been replaced with “brown nosers.” Meet the guy who thinks he has some authority, he’s the one with that has sh*t on his nose.

  5. I think this woman should be able to sue her boss for violating her second article rights.

    I was in a waffle house in Tennessee, and they wouldn’t cook up an order of pancakes. How can you be in the waffle business and not make pancakes too?

    Now I have another reason to never step foot in a waffle house.

  6. “It is well known that all Waffle Houses nationwide are now gun-free zones; the only exception to that rule is for law enforcement.”

    Then those murdering minions should be the ONLY ones eating there, as well.

    “It’s almost as if Waffle House is advertising themselves as an easy place to rob…”

    Or as if they’re part of the communist agenda.

  7. “It is well known that all Waffle Houses nationwide are now gun-free zones”

    Funny, seeing as how they constantly have pictures plastered all over their entrances with posters praising American values. Didn’t know American values were “selective” values.

    Just another bunch of corporate assholes with policies that protect them and not the people they work for. The corporate assholes even in my place give the excuse – “Hide or run. If caught, do what the robber tells you. Don’t be a hero. It’s not worth your life.”

    What they really mean is, “Corporate doesn’t want to pay the liability and hospital bills if something happens to you or the robber while on their premises or for doing the right thing such as saving lives.” If it costs corporate more money for their “stakeholders”, they don’t want anything to do with it or you. Human life means nothing to them. It’s all about the money.

    Bunch of selfish, twisted, corrupt, sick bastards.

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