6 thoughts on “What are they always so afraid of? 😞 This one was horrible

  1. Yep that’s absolutely horrible alright. One thing that comes to mind though is that a phone might possibly be used to trigger an explosive device so that could be one answer to the question. Obviously I would never condone the behavior of these dogs & they’d need evidence to suspect that but it is at least a “possibility”.

  2. …and on my phone, clearly visible for your information and mine, are the 10 simple Articles of the Bill of Rights. For your safety and mine, I will read them out loud. I will bring Articles 4 and 5 into focus… This is the supreme, superior, absolute, unalienable law of this land we’re all on, here, and SOMEONE is in violation of it! ‘Scuse me? You’ve never heard of the BILL OF RIGHTS? That’s what’s so badly wrong with this country! Cue crash course on jurisdictional authority…

  3. I can only think of the training they got in Israel. The ruthless, “win at all costs” maneuvers unconcerned with justice. I’d love to know some follow-up on this young man. Would things have turned out differently were he armed? Still, we’re seeing a standing up to Big Brother. Maybe humanity really is coming along.


    1. Again, would things have turned out differently were he armed? This is still on my mind. And what happened to the kid? Was he shot or was he tasered? It looks like shot but maybe someone tasered from the side out of view? Did he die? Did he martyr himself? Would putting the phone down have been a surrender? What should he have done to keep himself alive? And why were they chasing him? Most disturbing. Were this your son, what would you have advised? Too much we don’t know about this. Yet again, would things have turned out differently were he armed?

      I understand what Aristotle meant when he said, “To perceive is to suffer.”


      1. Please excuse me. I’m having a hard time sorting this one out. I’m sure I’ll understand it better on Monday. (grin)


  4. what they are afraid of , they created .. when you go around shooting, killing and generally treating people like shit , and usually on hearsay , sooner or later the pendulum swings back, and the swing back is what they are fearing . That some day (and its happened already a few times) when the swing back occurs its their treasonous asses that are on the line and few of them have met their fate , they created this environment , and now its coming back full circle ..I have warned about this , and it’s likely too late to stop it , its just going to escalate from here

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