What do I want? Restorations

Our president must tell Us the truth and be a intelligent honorable person. Not someone that gets it Right sometimes by Accident or just to appease the Sheep.

Our Radio and News host must tell the whole truth, not leaving some things out, Patriots are big boys and big girls that listen, we can handle it when told the whole truth with nothing hidden or omitted. It is a Lie to be Omitting some of the story either by agenda or for any other reason. Without the truth Americans cannot make the right choices in our everyday lives.   

Our currency must be sound and buy our family the food and shelter to keep us safe and healthy,   Gold Silver and Copper are great and the Preferred money, but a bushel of corn, a chicken, some vegetables, or some meat rabbits will work just fine as a means of payment and trade also.

Our Constitution must be restored completely as the Job Description for our Employees, hired to positions of running our Republic.  Our Elected Employees raise their hand and swear to uphold the rules and laws in it.  If they refuse to follow the rule of Law they must be held accountable completely.

Our Bill of Our Rights must be restored and followed, Without Question.  Without its full restoration our families can’t feel safe and will not be able to move forward with security and pride.

Our Common Law Courts must be re-instituted so we can hold the ones accountable that have, in some way, done us and our families some kind of harm.

“All” the listed restorations listed are non-negotiable if the Republic wants me behind it.   What do I want?

I want the restoration of all my freedoms and all the limitations of The Bill Of my Rights.

God Bless the Republic

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