18 thoughts on “Why are there more woman then men

  1. I’ve heard that male babies are more susceptible to early death at birth, and this is supposedly true in the animal kingdom as well. I’ve not researched this any further than what I heard told me by someone I know. Could be one reason.

    1. Not to be crude, Katie, but looking at the question logically, thirty women can have thirty children every nine months. How many women could thirty men knock up in nine months? A natural balance, if you look at it the right way.

        1. It’s a question of necessity. What will nature support? The male is dominant and though in morality harems may seem a bad thing, it would come down to how many women does one man want and how many can he take care of as the provider. And if man is greedy to have a lot of women, he is going to kill himself taking care of them. So as time passes the men are dying and the women are producing what naturally seems to be needed, which is more women to drive more men into their grave before their time. 🙂 Next thing you know the men are completely surrounded by hoards of women with pussies on their heads. It’s science. 🙂

    2. “I’ve heard that male babies are more susceptible to early death at birth…”

      It goes deeper than that, Katie. Male birthrates have plummeted in the last few decades. Here’s one of THE main reasons… (sorry for the stupid Google link, but it’s Vimeo, not YouTube, so I can’t post a link for the video only… at least it’s Mercola’s site 🙂 )


  2. After having watched the entire video through as opposed to a brief moment earlier, I see the question wasn’t posed as a serious one perhaps. I thought it was going to be about the bravery of men doing jobs that were necessary yet full of risk, and they willing to take the risk to provide for their family perhaps. Many of the acts these men did were actually foolish, imo. So, perhaps the answer to the question is that men are more foolish than women. There ya go. 🙂

  3. Lmao! This is one you don’t want to watch, but you keep watching,,,,covering your eyes and peaking through your fingers~saying “Oh No!”

      1. Dry sense of humor here, lol!
        Lived in the boonies for awhile growing up.
        It was fun! and “Creative!” but some of the stuff I saw! lol!

  4. I know the answer , it’s not pretty
    But it’s probably reality
    Even if the women don’t like the way it sounds

    It’s because your gender is killing us men with your drama and constant bitching

    I know a man that had to drive from Alaska to Florida with 3 women in the car
    When he got to Florida he checked into an asylum for mental breakdown

    1. “It’s because your gender is killing us men with your drama and constant bitching”

      “I know a man that had to drive from Alaska to Florida with 3 women in the car
      When he got to Florida he checked into an asylum for mental breakdown”

      A mans man will stand up to women in whatever the situation calls for, they are designed for this, and women actually appreciate it, and their estimation of that man increases, as women WANT a strong man. They may not appreciate at first, but will soon, and will soon learn that man can’t be pushed around. So you men have a responsibility in the matter as well.
      The guy went to the coo coo farm because he was to much of a wimp to act like a man even if it meant telling these women they’d end up walking to Fl if they didn’t stop the drama and constant bitching.

      1. Won’t work on a pack of Feminists

        But I completely get what your saying
        But that really only works on women who act like a woman should

        1. “Won’t work on a pack of Feminists” I agree. Manly men will have nothing to do with feminists as they are not interested in being with another man.

  5. More proof that the procreative tendencies of stupid people out weigh the rest of the flock. Pictures like these embody the magic of a hopeful future, through the wonderful process of elimination.

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