Why MUST They Take Your Weapons: The Red Terror Is Coming To America

The Government Rag – by Jack Mullen

Terrorism is a word originally coined to define the actions of a State against its people for purposes of fear to further an agenda or for mass murder. Terrorism: Government by Intimidation. – Oxford Dictionary

During the so-called French ‘Revolution’, there was a period existing for nearly a year called a Reign of Terror. It was a time when tens of thousands of people, considered enemies of the Revolution, were executed, many by beheading. 

A Reign of Terror later turned up in Russia after Jewish-led Bolsheviks brutally executed the Czar of Russia and his family; that ‘Reign’ was called the ‘Red Terror’. During the Bolshevik Red Terror the Jewish apparatchiks harnessed the Russian people with the misery and brutality of a political form of tyranny called Communism.

Communism, as a system, is a long and continuous form of Red Terror; this brutal political construct continuously ‘purges’ enemies of the system, destroying competitors for power and enemies, real or imagined, of the Communist government. Over the course of decades the Bolshevik Red Terror exterminated and tortured millions considered too intelligent, beautiful, powerful, white and/or Christian. The resultant attack on the better genetic stock of the nation plummeted IQ levels and eliminated forever some the best genetics of mankind.

Read the rest here: https://blog.thegovernmentrag.com/2019/05/10/why-must-they-take-your-weaponsthe-red-terror-coming-to-america/

2 thoughts on “Why MUST They Take Your Weapons: The Red Terror Is Coming To America

  1. “A Reign of Terror later turned up in Russia after Jewish-led Bolsheviks brutally executed the Czar of Russia and his family; that ‘Reign’ was called the ‘Red Terror’.”

    You forgot to mention that the Redcaps were the main perpetrators of the French Revolution.

    That was the first appearance of the Masonic jews (Redcaps) that I’m aware of.

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