
The small metal particles raining down from aerosoling will accelerate wild land fires. In truth, our firefighters will no longer be able to control them. We are looking at losing the great forests of the Pacific Northwest and elsewhere to fire holocausts. The blame must be placed squarely on geo-engineering and those who push this program.

Extreme weather is NOT an act of god, and we must remember that every thunderstorm they dry up, that every snow pack they minimize, that every regional spring or fall rain that never comes is contributing to the impending fire storm.  

Continue to call them out every time we have a major wild land fire incident. Place the blame unceasingly on the soul-less things who are pushing geo-engineering on us. They are responsible for every home that is left in ashes, every charred cow, elk or deer, every burned tree, every fire fighter who will lose their LIFE fighting these holocaust blazes.


2 thoughts on “Wildfire

  1. Granted chemtrails are drying the Earth’s crust by caustic chemicals.
    It can rain all day and two days after, the ground is bone dry.
    But, arson is a key factor in these fires also. There are many
    terrorist squatters in America than ever before.

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