Will Western Maryland become the fifty-first state?

Published on Sep 13, 2013 by RTAmerica

Maryland is mostly known for its city of Baltimore, ritzy DC suburbs and coastal areas. But take a drive out west, and you’ll find a very different side of Maryland. In fact, it’s so different, many want to secede. Supporters want five counties in Western Maryland to break off and form a 51st state. They say they are sick of the single-party dominance and are no longer represented in government. RT correspondent Liz Wahl ventured out to the region to find out why people want to break away.

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7 thoughts on “Will Western Maryland become the fifty-first state?

  1. Ok ok…let’s get the record straight people. Get with the program.

    Israel is the 51st.

    Great Britain is the 52nd.

    Northern Colorado (or Southern Colorado whichever you count first) will be the 53rd.

    THEN Western Maryland will be the 54th state.

    Ok? Everyone understand now?

    GOOD! lol

        1. HAHA #1!
          It’s sort of a joke between my son and I. He lives near Anchorage, been there almost 20 years now and loves it. It’s a nice place to visit, but I’m heading for the tropics come winter!

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