Witness: “LAPD Just Murdered an Unarmed Man Right in Front of Me”

police.siThe Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Melton

Another man has been shot and killed by police cops tonight, this time in Hollywood.

Detective Meghan Aguilar reportedly told ABC news the man was shot because “When he saw the officers, he approached them,” armed with a knife, and this is the Tweet sent out by LAPDHQ of said knife reportedly recovered at the scene:  

However, witness Jordan White who filmed the video below posted it along with this message on his Facebook page:

And White Tweeted this:

When the video starts, the man who was shot is already laying motionless in the street, but multiple officers (five at least) continue to hold their guns drawn at him for a full minute before they finally approach and one of them handcuffs the guy who is obviously limp. The man was later pronounced dead from his gunshot wounds at the hospital.

It’s pretty clear the cops in this country are only given tasers for looks or as a trendy space-filler on those Batman-esque belts they wear because apparently none of them even bother actually using them as a first option these days. (Unless it’s on childrenSometimes…)

Oh, I’m sorry, was that inflammatory?

Well excuse the hell out of me, but I’m sick and tired of having to write articles about the police in America just killing Americans (even those with small knives) without even attempting to incapacitate them first or anything, especially right now in the wake of Ferguson and the Eric Garner case in New York, right now when the government and media are dutifully stoking the kind of all-out riots that inevitably lead to martial law and an even bigger police state crackdown with even more centralized power.

We’re already beginning to see it with Obama’s new $263 million community policing plan announced right on time in the wake of the Ferguson grand jury decision. Oh, and Obama’s new committee to supposedly help build community trust between citizens and our militarized police in this country? Yeah, well he appointed Philadelphia Police Chief Charles Ramsey to head it up — a man with a colorful history chock full of abuses and civil rights violations.

Law enforcement in this country is absolutely out of control, and it’s only going to get worse — by design.

I have to wonder if Jordan White is going to randomly get charged with something for filming here too the way Ramsey Orta claims he was set up for filming Eric Garner’s death.

As Mac Slavo wrote over at SHTFplan.com yesterday, “Post-grand jury Ferguson is now amplified by post-grand jury New York, with a larger narrative scripted mostly in Washington still playing out. Whatever happens next, this isn’t going away. Consider the pot stirred.”

The pot is now starting to boil over…also by design.

Around four minutes into the video below, someone in the crowd gathering around at the scene begins yelling the familiar Ferguson chant of “Hands up don’t shoot!”

This video looks alarmingly similar to the video taken of the shooting death by cops of Kajieme Powell, which occurred just days after Michael Brown was shot in Ferguson and just four miles away from where it happened, too.

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Contributed by Melissa Melton of The Daily Sheeple.

Melissa Melton is a writer, researcher, and analyst for The Daily Sheeple and a co-creator of Truthstream Media with Aaron Dykes, a site that offers teleprompter-free, unscripted analysis of The Matrix we find ourselves living in. Melissa also co-founded Nutritional Anarchy with Daisy Luther of The Organic Prepper, a site focused on resistance through food self-sufficiency. Wake the flock up!

– See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/witness-lapd-shot-unarmed-man-ten-times-and-killed-him-in-hollywood_122014#sthash.fbPClJQp.dpuf


5 thoughts on “Witness: “LAPD Just Murdered an Unarmed Man Right in Front of Me”

  1. “It’s pretty clear the cops in this country are only given tasers for looks or as a trendy space-filler on those Batman-esque belts they wear because apparently none of them even bother actually using them as a first option these days.”

    I lean towards space filler.

    Then they can blame the pork belly on the accessories.

    There are 2 POS Sheriffs walking past me as I type this…


  2. It is the mans own fault here. With all the press and news on T.V. Americans should have learned by now you do not aproach a police officer, speak to one, and check outside your door before stepping out in case one is in eyesite of you. They should be by now teaching here children to flee to safty at sigh of one in America. Let me ask. If your neighbor poured 18 inch’s of concrete down in his back yoard, put up a 12 foot fence, put razor wire around the top, and posted it BAD DOGS inside. Would you climb the fence and jump into his back yard knowing the dogs were there?? Same with a American police officer. You know the mad dogs are there. So why do you keep going near them??

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