Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel
38-year old Mhai Scott was fatally shot and killed by police at a Costco in Virginia for ‘acting strangely’.
Scott reportedly became upset when she ran out of pizza, reported Northern Virginia Bureau Chief Julie Carey. Witnesses said she was waving a knife and scissors, threatening employees.
Deputies were called to the store to handle the disturbance. After they arrived, Scott approached the officers with the sharp items, authorities said. One deputy tried to use a stun gun on Scott, but Chapman said the stun gun “did not work,” and another deputy fatally shot her.
As we have seen time and again, police are apt to kill people rather than spend the effort in saving a life who may need help. Tis woman was shot because she was upset about running out of pizza samples. That to me says she may have not been right in the head, who knows, I’m totally speculating but i do know one thing for a fact. No crime was committed. Police murdered her. -Mort
Cop murder of the day: Pizza sample distributor.
The useless pig bastards we have to pay for are obviously being trained and/or instructed to kill anyone who doesn’t show complete and immediate submission to authority, and there will still be a million idiots saying “but we need cops.”
What exactly do we need them for? How does society benefit from having these morons run around shooting people? Fighting crime? NO. Protecting you? NO ….They do neither. Their job is to beat you into submission, send innocent people to jail, and fleece the public for all the money they can squeeze out of them. That’s all they do, so please forget your elementary school mythology that taught you they were the “good guys.”
Another criminal act carried out by those sworn to serve the greater good….
These gestapos have simply adopted the policy of “shoot to kill”. It’s far easier to cover up the truth in any case when the accused is dead.
Another unnecessary Lost in Translation/Miscommunication death by police. I’m betting there are parts missing to this story. There’s seems more to this story than they are letting on.
Either way, from these facts alone, there is no need to shoot and kill this girl. If she was really holding sharp objects or anything, shoot her in the arm or the leg. Do these police know how to shoot anymore? Take a class for cryin’ out loud.
And what’s even more laughable, pathetic and embarrassing for the police department is the fact that two or more policemen COULD NOT even handle one little woman. Was the woman Zhang Ziyi or Michelle Yeoh or something? I mean really. What a bunch of wimps.
Unnecessary killing. Shoot to thrill.
Why is it that I seem to come across WAY more articles about cops killing people, as opposed to criminals (the kind WITHOUT badges), almost on a daily basis?