Woman In The Center Of IRS Scandal, Lois Lerner, Placed On Administrative Leave

Wake Up America – by Susan Duclos

About. Damn. Time.

The Internal Revenue Service official overseeing the unit that targeted conservative groups for several years beginning in the spring of 2010 has been placed on administrative leave, according to Congressional sources in both parties. Lois Lerner was the director of exempt organizations when the agency filtered applications for tax exempt status for words such as “patriot” and “tea party.”  


Lerner on Thursday afternoon sent an e-mail to employees in the exempt-organizations division she oversees stating, “Due to the events of recent days, I am on administrative leave starting today. An announcement will be made shortly informing you who will be acting while I am on administrative leave. I know all of you will continue to support EO’s mission during these difficult times.” She concluded, “I thank you for all your hard work and dedication,” adding, “The work you do is important.”

At a House oversight-committee hearing yesterday, Lerner invoked her Fifth Amendment right and refused to answer questions posed to her by lawmakers, stating only, “I did nothing wrong.” She has been at the center of the scandal roiling the IRS and the Obama administration since she clumsily planted the question that allowed her to reveal — and apologize for — the agency’s improper targeting of tea-party and other conservative groups.

Lerner should have been fired outright and at the very least been put on administrative leaves when the first of her specific lies came to light.

Better late than never huh?


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