Wow: Judge Defends Decision to Sentence Rapist of 14-Year-Old Girl to Only 31 Days In Jail: “It wasn’t some horrible rape”… “It wasn’t a forcible, beat-up rape”

Breitbart –

I am barely able to restrain myself from writing a blasphemy, just out of complete drop-the-jaw exasperation.

If you don’t know this story: In Montana, a teacher raped a 14 year old girl.  She then committed suicide two years later.  Her family says the rape was a major factor in the suicide.

The rape, the judge is claiming, was “consensual,” even though it wasn’t (legally it can’t be; a 14 year old girl can’t consent to sex with a middle-aged man).   

The teacher — teacher — was sentenced to fifteen years in prison.  But then the judge suspended all but 31 days of the sentence.

Obviously, a 14-year-old can’t consent. I think that people have in mind that this was some violent, forcible, horrible rape,” Baugh told the Billings Gazette. “It was horrible enough as it is just given her age, but it wasn’t this forcible beat-up rape.”

Just a “light rape” then.

He had other kind words for the now-dead victim, by the way. Here he pretty much calls her a whore.

In handing down the sentence Monday, Baugh said the teenage victim was “older than her chronological age” and had as much control of the situation as the teacher who raped her.

Horrified citizens are collecting signatures for a petition demanding he resign, but of course he won’t; they never do. Politicians serve for life, like Kings. But there is a plan B:

f the petition and protest aren’t enough to force Baugh’s resignation, protesters will shift to defeating him in the 2014 election, Rice said.

This is our country. If we don’t take it back, it’s our fault, not some addled 71-year-old Hippie Judge’s fault.

3 thoughts on “Wow: Judge Defends Decision to Sentence Rapist of 14-Year-Old Girl to Only 31 Days In Jail: “It wasn’t some horrible rape”… “It wasn’t a forcible, beat-up rape”

  1. This is the way things are going. Now that they’ve gotten the public to accept homosexuality, the next step in the destruction of all morality in this country is the acceptance of pedophilia.

    For now you can expect to see younger and younger kids acting and dressing like whores on TV, and then there will be a “first amendment discussion” involving kiddie porn. After that a collection of pedophiles will form some “public awareness group” that seeks to convince people that their love for minors is something other than the sick perversion that it is.

    Sounds crazy? Just remember that homosexuality was considered a sick perversion in the 60’s, but by the 80’s it was actually “fashionable.” Now people suffering from this obvious sexual abnormality have gained preference over heterosexuals. It’s just a matter of conditioning, and twenty years from now, TV-viewing moms will be dressing their 6 year-olds for school in high-heels, mini-skirts, and fishnet stockings. (and don’t forget baby’s breast implants)

  2. “The teacher — teacher — was sentenced to fifteen years in prison. But then the judge suspended all but 31 days of the sentence.”

    The teacher was obviously lucky enough to get a pedophile judge.

    Favoring his own kind.

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