Yellowstone : Extreme Heat from the SuperVolcano is Melting the Roadways

Published on Jul 15, 2014 by SignsofThyComing


News Articles:

One man killed in crash near Yellowstone National Park after an object came through the front windshield…

Yellowstone National Park Road Melting From Supervolcano’s Heat…

Yellowstone supervolcano ‘turned the asphalt into soup’ shutting down Natl. Park’s roads…

Road Melts in Yellowstone National Park…

Road Melts from Yellowstone Volcano’s Heat…

Yellowstone National Park Closes Popular Geysers, Attractions Due to Melting Road…

Yellowstone National Park road melts into ‘soupy mess’…

3 thoughts on “Yellowstone : Extreme Heat from the SuperVolcano is Melting the Roadways

    1. Yep, Sharon. I often think that, too when at work. Customers, management, co-workers and many other people go to work every day, fighting and striving over petty things that they think are so important and striving to be someone in a world that is so fragile that if you take a moment to step back and take a look outside of it all, it doesn’t even matter. We came into this world with nothing and we will leave this world with nothing.

      As Ecclesiastes 12:8 says, “All is vanity”.

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