You can be denied the right to fly if you cut in front of a flight attendant!


Bobby Abtahi, an Iranian-American and vice chair of the Dallas Plan Commission, was kicked off of a Virgin America flight because he walked in front of a flight attendant!

Abtahi said that he was boarding a flight from New York’s La Guardia to Dallas when a gate agent pulled him aside and said the crew did not feel comfortable having him on the flight. When he asked why, the gate agent said it was the captain’s decision and went to speak with him.  

When the gate agent returned, she told him he wouldn’t be allowed on the flight because he had walked in front of a flight attendant walking in the terminal doors Abtahi said.

“She said I cut in front of a flight attendant on my way inside the airport and that they didn’t feel comfortable with me on the flight,”he said via text message. “I said if that was the case then I would apologize. She went back on the phone and said I wasn’t allowed on the flight.”

This is and incredible statement about what America has become. The mass-media barely mentioned it and an apathetic public just shrugs their shoulders.

Where’s the outrage?

A revealing article titled “Are flight attendants on a power trip“? describes how flight attendants bully and threaten passengers with the backing of the airlines and police. Why are flight attendants allowed to bully passengers? Why are flight attendants allowed to act like cops?

All a flight attendant has to do, is inform the pilot they’re pissed at a passenger and the police will be called to forcibly remove them from the plane.

Federal law says that disobeying the instructions of the flight crew is a crime. 

Another revealing statement warns passengers not to expect the airlines to respect their rights…

“Rules are rules, and we stand behind the decision of our employees.”

In October an American Airlines flight attendant kicked a crying woman off a plane:

Just before Thanksgiving, police turned American airports into quasi-prisons complete with tanks, automatic weapons and tactical gear. DHS said it knew of “no specific or credible threats of an attack on the U.S. homeland”. Nonetheless, New York,  Boston, Chicago, Washington, Los Angelesand other cities have ramped up security.

    image credit:Newsdaily


image credit:NorthJersey News


image credit:Ibtimes

Police State America has banned passengers for wearing low-cut shirtssaggy pants, and  evenoffensive t-shirts. Soon we’ll be denied the right to fly, if you argue with a flight attendant or look at them funny.

Is this the America you want?

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