Zombie Apocalypse Europe

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Published on Dec 8, 2015 by The Last Relevant Sage

This is an investigative alternative look at the engineered mass migration from Africa and the Mid-East which is done on purpose to destabilize and ultimately destroy the ethnic European cultures and the aboriginal European white race.

4 thoughts on “Zombie Apocalypse Europe

  1. I don’t know about you, but I am sick and tired of this “Zombie” sh*t! I looked out my window this morning, no Zombies to be seen! They must be marching elsewhere.

    Booga, Booga, Zombie, Zombie, aren’t you scared yet? How do you avoid Zombies? You go about your day knowing they don’t exist other than in immature, childlike minds.

    Zombies, if they were real, I’d kick their arses, let’s see, aren’t they just rotting flesh ready to be pulled apart, shall we say, meat falling off the bone.

    So, go back to your childhood, pretend there’s a Zombie in your bedroom closet, and throw your blankie over your head to be safe. I think I’ll go barf now.

    1. Zombie is the best way to relate what is happening to European counties. It’s not about silly children stories. The “zombies” have invaded these countries; are literally killing and raping the native populace and destroying/consuming everything they come in contact with. It’s the analogy, maybe not for everyone’s liking but since it’s what’s people relate to cause of their programmed minds, it may be easier for them to swallow the red pill and truly see what is happening. Even though we here can see the truth plain as day (moslem hoards rading once proud nations while the populace [also in a zombie like trance for not fighting this] sits by and shrugs and hopes the gubmint will clean up.

  2. Pretty spot on….Lerner spectre is one of the worst forms of subhuman jewry ever witnessed. The women leading Sweden into its obliteration are gleefully prancing along to the Zionist flute. Y’all seen the picture of them in Iran ? Heads down totallly pacified/neutered/spayed wearing heejobs*. Willfully bowing down to their new brown masters…this is bad news people bad bad bad.

  3. Well if they won’t stand and fight these maggots then they are gonna get what they deserve…all for political correctness being mandated from on high in their government and enforced by their cops & military, I guess the cops & military in these places must embrace the overthrow of their own culture…u stop these threats and maggots by one thing and one thing only, forced removal or outright prejudicial termination… it is the only thing they fear & respect, if u aren’t willing to do just that, then they will continue to dominate & take over every aspect of ur culture, home and brethren, google the number of mosques in the US & you’ll see just how infiltrated this country is as well, they won’t start doing the shit here they’re doing over there, because they know the ultimate results if they do…it’s a waiting game for them…! I mean look at Deerborne, MI…..the zombies are here…!
    That’s all folks..!

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