Fellowship of the Minds – by Dr. Eowyn
The following information is from a July 8, 2015 article written by Julia Lurie for the leftwing magazine, Mother Jones. I’ve filtered out Lurie’s liberal qualifiers and slant, so as to distill just the facts.
According to a nationally representative online survey of 4,000 people in 2013, conducted by Columbia University public health researcher Bindu Kalesan, the results of which were published in the journal Injury Prevention:
- There are roughly 300 million guns in the United States.
- Nearly a third of adults (or 1 in 3) owns a gun.
- Gun ownership rates vary widely by state: Alaska tops the list with 62% of adults saying they own a firearm; Delaware is at the bottom with just 5%.
- The most likely demographic group to own a gun are white males over 55 who have finished high school and are, or have been, married.
- Gun owners are more than twice as likely as non-owners to be part of a “social gun culture” in which family and friends often own guns.
Lurie claims that past studies have found higher gun ownership rates are correlated with higher gun death rates, and the findings of the Columbia University survey “appear to confirm that trend.”
The graph below compares gun ownership rates from the Columbia U. study with gun death data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

Well I can say that New Mexico is slipping rapidly from the god almighty insane amounts of commie faggots being brought in from commiefornia, they bought up the state and own the cities. Also expect that gun death rating for NM to climb higher faster, they can not seem to bring in enough illegals to the state. Hell most of the crime is almost exclusively from ILLEGALS.
State keeps the media shut up about it because the last time they allowed it to be reported it went like this: Illegals walked into a Dennys in Albuquerque and demanded money, cashier said NO and they blew her brains out right there and left. Never found them either…
Everyone take note to where the PINK is on the map, it CORRELATES PERFECTLY to the COMMUNIST POPULATION!
Virginia… Gods be damned are you an embarrasment for being on par with COMMIEFORNIA for gun ownership. Rebels be spinning like tops in their graves.
Well now….. good luck on counting the undocumented ones.
“According to a nationally representative online survey of 4,000 people in 2013,..”
You have to dismiss all claims made here because of the unscientific nature of the polling process. This isn’t a legitimate poll, and cannot reflect the reality of the issue because of the limited scope, and dubious data collection methods.
1. any on-line survey omits people who don’t have computers, or don’t go on line, or don’t visit the particular website that’s conducting the poll.
2. 4000 people is too small a sample to justify making ANY assumptions regarding 320 million people.
3. It’s all based on data collected two years ago, and we’ve had 24 months of record-breaking gun sales since then.
It’s NOT nationally representative, and it’s not representative of anything except the Zionist propagandist’s gun control agenda.
“….I’ve filtered out Lurie’s liberal qualifiers and slant, so as to distill just the facts….”
Facts?? That’s funny. The only fact you’ve revealed here is that you’re a lying commie bastard who needs to be run out of this country, and you can take your Mother Jones with you.
You didn’t “distill” any facts. You created a falsehood, because you’re a lying Jew.
Mother Jonestein?
“Lurie claims that past studies have found higher gun ownership rates are correlated with higher gun death rates,…”
Higher CRIMINAL gun ownership coupled with STRICT GUN LAWS restricting ownership by non-criminal Americans is the only way that’s possible.
correlation is not causation
stats 101
And also the more cars on the roads the more car deaths go up. The more children in a household the more likely the doctor visits, blah blah blah, I hate liberals.