120-yr-old tombstone in Kansas

This tombstone is actually in the Attica Cemetery, Harper County, Kansas. 120 yr. old tombstone.  

And this guy died 122 years ago!

4 thoughts on “120-yr-old tombstone in Kansas

  1. Most people don’t know that the enemies
    of this Republic have been hard at work
    since the late 1700’s.
    The Liberal agenda attacked Harvard,
    Princeton, and William & Mary at that time.
    Over time, succeeding in changing the
    charters for these, and other institutions.
    Our founders warned of the liberals for
    they’ve already taken Europe, and had set
    their eyes upon America.
    During the late 1800’s and into the early
    1900’s, the progressives, as they called
    themselves, even then, were reaping gains.
    It wasn’t until WWI that the trendy
    progressive leanings began to fall in popularity.
    Shortly after WWII it began to raise it’s ugly
    head head again. Where upon calling it’s
    self “Liberal”. This moniker lasted till the public
    recognized them again, as communist in
    thinking.in 1960’s.
    In which they changed their name back to
    progressives during the 1970’s.
    Both parties, and all throughout society,
    the liberal mindset has corrupted the minds
    and processes of once solid institutions.
    This has been accomplished mainly due
    to the lack of knowing one’s history.
    So it pays to know ones history, so as to
    recognize the mistakes of previous
    This is why the marxists won’t allow American
    history to be correctly taught in the “screwls”.
    This warning from the past is a reminder of
    of the dangers, which lurks among us,
    even to this day.

  2. I’m not positive, but I think back then the parties beliefs were reversed? if so, then he is talking about today’s republican party.

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