4 thoughts on “1984 George Orwell – Full Movie

  1. Winston Smith today would have been born between 1957 – 1972. Old enough to remember…young enough to still have good health. Just list what we can not do anymore today. My favorite example is The Brady Bunch Hawaiian vacation episode.
    No worries just get on a plane…no TSA and go. Get that Barry Goldwater quote..yes the one from the widows son posted on trenches ..it’s toward the end.

  2. The book was required reading in high school, as well as ‘Animal Farm’. Those were two that I was actually glad that I was forced to read.

    I’ve seen the movie a few times, but it’s been many years since the last time.

    1. Yep, as was Brave New World. 9th grade was Animal Farm and 1984, 12th grade was Brave New World. In a public speaking class I also used ‘1984’ and in 11th grade I used it in a class project. I also required my kids read 1984 in homeschool classes, and either Brave New World or Animal Farm. They chose Brave New World. Think they saw a version of “Anmal Farm” on TV. The earliest version of 1984 made in 1952 or something was the best, and the John Hurt version made in 1984 was also excellent. Both are must see movies. Thanks for posting!

      1. Being an insider (which you already know), Orwell was given information about the elites’ plans for the future, so ‘1984’ was basically a blueprint.

        An early (mini) version of ‘Revelation of the Method’, if you will.

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