2017’s ‘Pink Moon’: Here’s what it means


A pink moon is heading our way Tuesday – but those expecting to see a literal pink sphere sailing above us in the sky may be disappointed.

Any full moon that occurs in April is called a ‘Pink Moon’ simply because of the pink flowers, such as North America’s wild ground phlox, which blossom in April and are seen to symbolize new beginnings.  

The moon will be visible at its full phase at 06:08 GMT on April 11, but less eager skywatchers can catch the full moon anywhere from April 10 to 12.

The April full moon marks the start of several religious festivals around the world, including the birth of Hanuman in India, the beginning of Passover for Jews, and the Christian Easter celebrations take place on the first Sunday after the full moon.

While we have you, the Lyrid Meteor Shower on April 22 and 23 might be another one to add to your calendar.


4 thoughts on “2017’s ‘Pink Moon’: Here’s what it means

  1. Yes… the sky was clear last night.
    The moon was bright….
    Orion was brilliant.
    It looked like dawn all night.
    It’s going to be clear and bright tonight again.
    So tonight I’m going to let the dogs out and we are going to roam the compound like werewolves naked.

    On all fours…

    I’ve already got the nutured dog cones ready for our heads to strap on.

    So we can’t lick our balls tonight. ..
    Under the pink moon while we’re howling and barking.

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