2nd Amendment Rally on 2 November in Washington, D.C.

Gun Watch – by Dean Weingarten

The sky was blue, the wind light, the temperature mild, and there were thousands of Second Amendment activists at the Rally for the Second Amendment on the 2nd of November, 2019. Counting was imprecise without a good overhead image of the crowd. About half an hour before the rally I counted a quarter and estimated about 500. The crowd swelled as start time approached. My best estimate was over 2,000 activists were in the crowd at peak attendance. Te rally started on time at 12:30.

Rob Pincus was concerned the Nationals’ world series victory parade might impact the turnout for the Second Amendment rally. If it did, the thousands that showed up were committed and prepared. There were numerous flags, dozens of placards as well as hundreds of themed shirts, buttons, and stickers. One of the favorites was the Guns Save Lives stickers. Individual activists were handing them out on their own initiative, at their own expense.

There were a plethora of individually made and carried signs and placards, often variations on a theme. It was clear this was not a mass produced rally with barely interested participants bused in.  The participants I talked to came at their own expense. Many drove in from hundreds of miles away. Some flew; they came from as far away as Hawaii and California. It showed deep commitment to show up at an event with only six weeks notice.

The Gadsden Flag, yellow with the “Don’t Tread on Me” logo, was popular.

Themes chanted by the enthusiastic crowd were:

We will not comply!

We are the Gun Lobby!

Shall not be Infringed!

No more restrictions!

There were about 30 speakers who were enthusiastically greeted by the rally members. There was a strong showing of women activists and a number of black activists.

©2019 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included.

Gun Watch

Read the rest and see the pics here: http://gunwatch.blogspot.com/2019/11/2nd-amendment-rally-on-2-november-in.html

One thought on “2nd Amendment Rally on 2 November in Washington, D.C.

  1. “Themes chanted by the enthusiastic crowd were:

    We will not comply!

    We are the Gun Lobby!

    Shall not be Infringed!

    No more restrictions!”

    They ALMOST got it right.

    “No more restrictions”?


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