35 things the media reported as FACTS that were later found to be total lies

mediaNatural News – by Mike Adams

Truth is the greatest enemy of the state, and the purpose of the state-run media is to broadcast a sufficient quantity of lies to suffocate the truth and thereby protect state interests.

As Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels once explained:  

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.

Here are 35 huge lies the mainstream media repeatedly reported as “facts” that we now know to be total lies:

1) Brian Williams: “The helicopter I was riding in got hit with an RPG.”

2) President Obama: “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”

3) Lance Armstrong: “I never doped.”

4) The CDC: “There’s no evidence linking vaccines to autism.”

5) The NSA: “We aren’t spying on the phone calls or emails of U.S. citizens.”

6) The U.S. Navy: “No sailors were harmed by Fukushima radiation.”

7) The mainstream media: “What Fukushima radiation?”

8) The American Diabetes Association: “Diabetes cannot be reversed; only managed with expensive medication.”

10) Government-run schools: “Common Core provides your child with a quality, historically-accurate education.”

11) The FCC: “We don’t want to really control the internet. We just want to regulate it a little.”

12) Big Pharma: “We don’t need to charge you exorbitant prices for drugs for our own profits; we only need the money to bring you amazing breakthroughs!” (REALITY: Most drug company R&D money comes from taxpayer dollars funneled through the NIH.)

13) Every news station in America: “Unvaccinated children put vaccinated children at great risk because vaccines work so well they make vaccinated children immune… unless there are unvaccinated children around in which case the unvaccinated children cause the vaccinated children to revert to unvaccinated status which is bad. And that’s where measles comes from!”

14) The U.S. Congress: “We can pay off the national debt by slightly reducing the acceleration of the growth of new debt being added to it.”

15) The Federal Reserve: “Printing more fiat currency is good for the economy, and inflated stock market valuations prove it!” (Until one day they don’t, anyway…)

16) The IRS: “We need your tax revenues to fund the government.” (But when banksters need another trillion-dollar bailout, they instantly create the money from nothing.)

17) Monsanto: “Glyphosate is perfectly safe for human consumption and has zero negative impacts on the environment.”

18) British Petroleum: “We completely cleaned up the Gulf of Mexico. What dolphins? We thought those were greasy sea otters…”

19) The FDA: “The psychiatric drugging of children helps children become healthier.”

20) The American Dental Association: “Mercury is awesome! Especially when we drill it into your mouth.”

21) Vaccine manufacturers: “What mercury?”

22) The USDA: “Every GMO crop the biotech industry comes up with is totally safe for open-field planting! No worries!”

23) Every liberal media outlet: “Everything is so screwed up by big government that the only answer is BIGGER government!”

24) Children’s hospitals: “We are kidnapping your children and forcing them to undergo chemotherapy because we know better than you do what’s good for them.”

25) Your local TV news station: “Children’s vitamins are dangerous!”

26) That same local TV news station: “But mercury in vaccines makes children healthier!”

27) Your local city: “Dumping fluoride chemicals into the public water supply is just one of the many ways we selflessly serve the humanitarian needs of society.”

28) All mainstream doctors over the last 20 years: “Eating cholesterol in foods causes heart disease.”

29) Those same doctors: And because cholesterol is so horrible, statin drugs are awesome and help everyone!

30) CNBC: “The rising stock market proves the economy is strong, and it has nothing to do with money printing by the Fed.”

31) The White House: “The number of unemployed Americans is falling, just like we promised. See? These numbers prove it…”

32) Mainstream media: “Illegal immigrants carry no disease into U.S. cities, but unvaccinated American children are filthy and dangerous.”

33) Every mainstream media newspaper in America: “There is no CDC whistleblower named Dr. William Thompson, and he never confessed to taking part in the fraudulent alteration of data to bury any link between vaccines and autism.”

34) NBC News: “When Brian Williams lies to the world, that’s okay. But when independent media organizations report the truth, they’re crazy!”

35) Every “science” columnist carried by the mainstream media: “Aspartame is totally safe! In fact, it’s probably just as safe as vaccines! Maybe even as safe as eating glyphosate or GMOs.”

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/048714_mainstream_media_propaganda_lies.html#ixzz3SUcch3Fv

7 thoughts on “35 things the media reported as FACTS that were later found to be total lies

  1. “17) Monsanto: “Glyphosate is perfectly safe for human consumption and has zero negative impacts on the environment.”

    ANYTHING they claim must automatically be assumed to be a LIE.

    jew to the core, in other words.

    1. And if you haven’t watched the two documentaries by Jeffery Smith and Stephanie Seneff, you really should to see how Roundup is believed to be behind so many of the diseases seen today in epidemic proportions. The titles are: “Monsanto’s Roundup Herbicide” and “Gluten and GMOs,” both of which are on YouTube. Very informative.

  2. “11) The FCC: “We don’t want to really control the internet. We just want to regulate it a little.””

    Let me add another one:

    I’m sure our political puppets have said this at one point in time or another: “We’re not infringing on your 2nd Article Right. We just want to regulate it a little.”

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