4/30/2015 — ANOTHER Large volcanic eruption in Chile at Calbuco Volcano

Published on Apr 30, 2015 by dutchsinse

UPDATE April 30, 2015 1030pm CDT – A new volcanic eruption has occurred off the Shores of Oregon West Coast United States! Website post here: http://dutchsinse.com/4302015-volcani…


April 30, 2015

Another large volcanic eruption has occurred in Chile. It should be obvious to even the most casual observer that we are currently under a new global seismic unrest event similar to something along the lines of the 2011 pre-Japan megaquake.

Thanks to earthspace for the Calbuco news today:


Links to all things mentioned in the video which happened the past 7 days up to April 30 2015:

4/24 : First Eruption of Calbuco Volcano in Chile, hadn’t erupted in 42 years:



4/25/2015 — 7.8M earthquake strikes Nepal:



4/26/2015 — Hawaii lava levels top out at Kilauea , overflowing in the caldera:



4/25 + 426/2015 — Major land movement in North Japan, followed by earthquake at the same location:



4/28/2015 — Plume event in Nevada:


4/29/2015 — Dormant volcanoes show movement in California:



4/28 – 4/29/2015 — Mount Sinabung sends of new blasts from flank of volcano:



4/30/2015 — 6.8M earthquake strikes West Pacific Papua New Guinea:


New Large eruption at Calbuco volcano in Chile:


2 thoughts on “4/30/2015 — ANOTHER Large volcanic eruption in Chile at Calbuco Volcano

  1. For those well versed in electric universe theory, one might have a look at where the voyager probes are. They’re approaching the heliopause ahead of the moving sun with pioneer 11 not far behind. Pioneer 10 will approach the heliopause to the rear in the sun’s ‘wake’.

    If you look at the movement of the sun through the local bubble you notice the bubble nucleus known as the ‘local fluff’. As the solar system enters this (this entry has already begun)region the sun’s field will be compressed (visualize a tennis ball hitting a wall in very slo-mo just not as dramatic).

    This local fluff is denser in some region than others, not unlike flying through the clouds. Except it’s rather highly energized.

    What will this do? No one is sure. However, if the cloud is very energetic, the sun will be balanced. This will come at the detriment of the lower voltage object.

    The sun is now hitting the outer edges of this cloud and I believe that’s part of the reason for the probes and their trajectories. To study the area in this on-coming cloud.

    It is possible, if the sun intersects a high energy current, it and the planets could expand…like bubbles.

    Have a good look at the ocean floor…those are stretch marks.
    And look at the continental shelves (not what’s above water) and
    you can see how the continents fit together on a much smaller globe.
    Note the tearing away at the southern tip of south america.

    This energy increase will flow through the electron umbilical called the ‘flux event’ that tethers each planet to the sun.

    If the sun can’t handle the load it will burn-out/explode like a fuse shorting out. That’d be about game-over for everything here in the solar system. It’s also possible for the gas giants to ignite into dwarf stars (a second time for saturn…which is still a burning ember) to balance the load and forgo a solar supernova.

    It’s my belief that lightning, earth quakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes are load balancing events. As the core energy increases it must go somewhere and it finds the path of least resistance back into space.
    Look at all that lightning released when volcanoes blow their tops.

    The universe is a very ‘violent’ medium and change happens all the time.

    We are an idea in the mind of creation. We surely ought to behave so we’re blessed as a good idea and not forgotten as a bad one.


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