Gastrointestinal upsets have been sweeping the country this spring.
First, there was an outbreak of drug-resistant shigellosis. This bacterial infection is also known as “Montezuma’s revenge” or “traveler’s diarrhea.” It usually affects people visiting Third World destinations and is caused by drinking water that hasn’t been properly purified. This version has hit Americans in California, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania, and 90% of the cases have not responded to the normal treatment of an antibiotic called Cipro. The symptoms are watery or bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever and fatigue. While it will eventually go away without treatment, most of the time doctors prescribe antibiotics to speed recovery.
While it will eventually go away without treatment, most of the time doctors prescribe antibiotics to speed recovery. It’s very important to note that in cases of shigellosis, anti-diarrheal medications should not be administered. They can actually lengthen the amount of time a person is ill. They slow down the expulsion of the bacteria from the intestines and can worsen the infection. Because the severe diarrhea flushes out the bacteria, the illness is self-limiting. Patients should be kept well-hydrated while the illness runs its course.
Some of the cases in the US are related to foreign travel, but many have been tracked back to…well, poverty. People living in shelters, rooms with shared baths, and children who attend daycare are among the populations most likely to become ill with shigellosis. As our economy continues to decline, we can expect more and more cases of illness like this. Consider impoverished areas like metro Detroit, where running water has been cut off for many residents who couldn’t afford to pay their bills. It’s not a stretch of the imagination to predict that we’re going to see an uptick in sanitation-related illnesses.
As well, an uptick in viral stomach upsets has been reported in the past few weeks. Diagnosed cases of the norovirus (commonly known as “the stomach flu”) have been increasing in different regions of the US, including Southern Idaho and theDetroit area.
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How can you prevent the spread of gastrointestinal problems at home?
There are few things more unpleasant than a stomach bug. Symptoms like crippling nausea, stomach and intestinal cramps, and frantic rushes to the bathroom are sheer misery.
If the symptoms are especially severe or continue for more than 48 hours, the standard advice is to seek medical attention.
A stomach virus is incredibly contagious. If a family member is suffering from the symptoms of a stomach virus, practice the following precautions to attempt to contain it:
- Isolate the family member as much as possible
- Wash cutlery and dishes used by the sick family member in water containing a couple of drops of bleach. Wash again with your regular, non-toxic dish soap.
- Wipe items handled by the sick person with antibacterial wipes (I keepClorox wipes
on hand for this purpose.) Things like the telephone, the television remote, door handles, faucets and the toilet flush should be wiped before someone else touches them.
- Household members should wash their hands frequently, particularly before eating and after using the bathroom (yes, I know this should be standard, but I’m repeating it anyway)
Vomiting and diarrhea can be the body’s natural defense against invaders. It can be the digestive system’s way of ridding itself of toxins and viruses. However, excessive vomiting and diarrhea can cause dehydration, sometimes severe. It’s very important to keep the sufferer hydrated with ice chips and clear fluids. You can find some recipes for homemade oral rehydration solutions HERE. These recipes are a good basis for creating a solution using items that you have in your pantry. You add a few of these trace mineral supplement drops to your beverage of choice, as well.
Once the person is able to eat, try offering gentle, easily digested foods. The “BRAT” diet consists of bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. Other options are saltine crackers, pretzels, mashed potatoes, pasta and clear soups.
If after 12 hours, if the patient is still unable to keep down liquids, medical attention should be sought. The time shortens for younger patients. If an infant isn’t urinating at least every two hours his little body is trying to hold onto liquids because he is dehydrated – you should seek immediate medical assistance in this case.
Treating the Symptoms
As far as treatment of the actual cause of the illness is concerned, there isn’t a lot that can be done. The illness has to run its course. Most of the time, treating the symptoms and avoiding dehydration is all that can be done.
There are all sorts of options for treating the symptoms of gastro-intestinal upset, both traditional and chemical. The links below are to resources for acquiring the remedies.
6 Natural Remedies
Treating the symptoms doesn’t necessarily require a trip to the pharmacy. Just like treatments for the seasonal flu, many good remedies can be found, already in your kitchen. If you don’t already have these items on hand, they are excellent, multi-purpose additions to your stockpile. Before using these or any other herbal supplements, perform due diligence in confirming potential interactions with any other drugs or supplements that person may be taking. Medical advice should be sought for pregnant women, children, or those with a compromised immune system before home remedies are administered.
Some of these plants can be easily grown in a variety of climates, providing a constantly replenishing supply. From a preparedness perspective, the ability to grow your own remedies cannot be over-emphasized.
Always opt for organic herbal remedies, to exclude the possibility of pesticides or chemical preservatives or additives. If you’re already ill, you need to use the purest, best quality products you can get your hands on. Your body has enough work to do, fighting off the bacteria or virus causing your illness.
1.) Ginger
Ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory with a long history in traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of nausea, motion sickness and morning sickness.
Ginger can be found in the form of tea, the root
itself or in capsules
. Keep in mind, though, if you are vomiting already, ginger, especially in the form of tea, can make the experience far more unpleasant because of worsened esophageal reflux.
When purchasing ginger tablets, read the ingredients carefully. Gravol makes a “Natural Source” ginger chewable pill containing certified organic ginger. I was really excited because you can find that in even the tiniest pharmacy. However, upon closer inspection, the ingredients listed “aspartame” . Ummm. NO, I won’t add a proven neurotoxin to my organic herbal remedy, thanks.
Several companies offer a ginger tablet remedy. However, if you go over to the vitamin section, quite frequently you can find Ginger Root. Buying it from the vitamin section, without the glossy anti-nausea advertising, can save you a hefty amount. I checked at my local pharmacy today and 90 Ginger Root capsules (500 mg) were the same price as the bottle of 20 “All-Natural Ginger” anti-nausea tablets. Both were $8.99. As well, the one in the supplement section had no additional ingredients aside from the gelatin capsule that encased the powder.
2.) Chamomile
Chamomile has anti-spasmodic properties. This makes a cup of chamomile tea a soothing treatment for a stomach upset that includes abdominal cramping, bloating, and gas. It has a mild pleasant taste with a hint of “apple” flavor.
3.) Mint
There are all different kinds of mint tea available. The most common arepeppermint, spearmint
, and wintergreen
. They all contain menthol, a volatile oil. Menthol is the component that gives mint that “cooling” sensation. Mint tea is anti-spasmodic, so will aid in relieving gas, cramping and bloating. Additionally, menthol has muscle relaxant properties that can help reduce vomiting.
Candy containing real peppermint oil can easily be carried in your purse for a mildly soothing effect.
Some people that suffer from acid reflux find that mint worsens the condition.
4.) Yogurt
Yogurt can’t be tolerated in all episodes of stomach and intestinal upsets. However, yogurt with active cultures can help to rebalance the “good flora” in your stomach and intestinal tract, making it especially valuable for treating diarrhea. Regular consumption of yogurt can actually prevent stomach viruses in the first place by making your digestive tract inhospitable to viruses.
5.) Black Tea
Black tea is rich in tannins, which have been a longtime home treatment for diarrhea. You can sweeten your tea but leave out the milk until you’re feeling better.
6.) Goldenseal
Goldenseal capsules or extract
can also be used in the treatment of diarrhea. Goldenseal kills certain bacteria, like e coli, which can cause diarrhea.
Over-the-Counter Chemical Medications
In our home, chemical treatments are always a last resort. However, I keep them on hand in my preparedness supplies in the event that natural remedies aren’t strong enough and medical care is unavailable.
The most common type of anti-diarrheal is the compound Loperamide Hydrochloride (found in Immodium
). It works by slowing the propulsion of intestinal contents by the intestinal muscles.
The most common side effects of loperamide are: stomach pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, constipation, dry mouth, sleepiness, fatigue and dehydration. According to the National Library of Medicine, loperamide hydrochloride can actually paralyze the intestines in a condition called paralytic ileus. This means that the intestines no longer participate in digestion and do not push the stool along for excretion.
Many natural practitioners feel that diarrhea should not be stopped – that the body is naturally ridding itself of viruses or toxins. As well, overuse of anti-diarrheals can result in a constipation so severe that medical intervention becomes necessary.
Anti-nauseants are also called anti-emetics. The most popular brands contain dimenhydrinate (found in Dramamine
and Gravol
According to the Alberta Health Services website, the medication (sold under the brand name Gravol in Canada) can have a number of side effects. There has also been a noted problem with abuse of medications containing dimenhydriante, so those medications have been relegated to “behind the counter”.
At recommended doses, Gravol can cause drowsiness, dizziness and blurred vision. It can impair your concentration and motor coordination. For these reasons, you should use Gravol with caution if driving or doing other things that require you to be fully alert. It can be especially dangerous to combine it with alcohol and other depressant drugs. Dry mouth, excitation and nervousness
(especially in children) are other side effects. At lower doses, you can experience feelings of well-being and euphoria. At higher doses you can hallucinate. Taking Gravol with alcohol, codeine and other depressant drugs intensifies these effects. Large doses can cause sluggishness, paranoia, agitation, memory loss, increased blood pressure and heart rate, and difficulty swallowing and speaking.
There isn’t really any way to “cure” a stomach virus – the illness must simply run its course. The best things you can do are rest, keep hydrated, and treat the symptoms to keep them at a tolerable level.
Thanks for all these health articles.
Please keep them coming.
My Dr. TCM/MD taught me a gerat technique for runny diarrhea so…I tried it out on a Norwegian couple in Mexico…don ‘t laugh. It worked.
She was so dehydrated from being on the toilet for 3 days they were about to cut their vacation short in order to avoid a Mexican hospital. I cured her in 8 hours without the use of modern drugs….
Drink a pint of beer really fast followed by a pint of water. If you are dehydrated the beer will pull water into your cells which are dehydrated and after 3 pints you will notice a decrease in runny poos. I did this for a few people and it worked. Just saying.