My feelings today. I’m hurting. I really am.
— Gary Dempsey (@Dempz8) February 19, 2021
Posted: February 21, 2021
Categories: Videos
From the Trenches World Report
Enforce our Bill of Rights
My feelings today. I’m hurting. I really am.
— Gary Dempsey (@Dempz8) February 19, 2021
“How do they expect us to survive?” ………………they don’t 🙁
The Bible tells us there are seven things for the purpose of government:
1 Protect the innocent 2 Kings 24:3-4
2 Protect the freedom and rights of the people Jeremiah 7:6-7
3 Provide justice Jeremiah 22:3
4 Give fair trials to all who are acquiesced Duet.19:18-19
5 Provide expeditious process of law and fair judgment Duet. 25:1-2
6 Punish evil doers Genesis 9:6
7 Protect State borders Acts 17:26
Maybe we should stop being so cooperative